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Stop joining epona

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2020 6:38 pm
by ranger123
There just to many people joining new to epona please stop I can never ever get in the game during bosses becuase there’s just to many players online on epona. Thanks if you don’t want to experience these issues aswell stay away from epona

Re: Stop joining epona

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2020 8:56 pm
by ColdCoffee
After all these years we see where servers with the clan dom mentality ended up: the same players that always enter now almost never and prevented several new players from progressing freely by monopolizing everything, now these even though they are active and like ch need to resort to epona to keep having fun.

Re: Stop joining epona

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2020 4:41 pm
by reytch
It’s ur device I swear lol. I thought the same until I got my new phone. Now no more login issues for me. And come play Epona keep the market alive! U can make all classes here. Check our AH see how almost all you need to make EG is there. No need to kiss asses/wait in line/earn dkp just sit in ah and gear urself to meet the servers standards for bossing. Eg bosses are scheduled (kinda boring but oh well) and bad behaviour ain’t tolerated here. Racism and harassment are bannable and ksing when players are lixing ain’t allowed. So if u have destroyed ur server to the point that no one wanna log to kill sh1t with u then come take refuge in Epona....LOL

Re: Stop joining epona

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2020 9:03 pm
by Apples-Bele
dont blame the players blame the game

Re: Stop joining epona

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 12:05 am
by Maxsteel22344500
Not a good reason for players to stop joining Epona although I do support that they should stop. After all other servers are dying because of this and I see it firsthand then again we can't control what players want. People go wherever plat buyers go. Without plat there's no lixes, no chests, no gold, and many other r items a server needs to survive. Epona just has the plat buyers the life of the server and so this means demise for the other servers I recommend that they add a reliable way to get in game plat to save other servers and not just 60 or 10 plat but in the thousands but don't make it incredibly easy either still tho a game meant for kids not everyone has money for plat.

Re: Stop joining epona

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 1:12 am
by reytch
dont blame the players blame the game
Why blame the game? Does it make choices? Naw... players do. How one server dies is dependent on it’s player base noh? The Dom servers never thought of longevity and was only eyed on the short termed gains. Epona thrives cause u can take a break for years come back and still roll with rest as long as you meet standards. The community treated the game as it should be... not a job u need to keep up with. It’s ok smarts can be very scarce when greed is abundant :3

Re: Stop joining epona

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 5:06 pm
by Misdemeanor
dont blame the players blame the game
Why blame the game? Does it make choices? Naw... players do. How one server dies is dependent on it’s player base noh? The Dom servers never thought of longevity and was only eyed on the short termed gains. Epona thrives cause u can take a break for years come back and still roll with rest as long as you meet standards. The community treated the game as it should be... not a job u need to keep up with. It’s ok smarts can be very scarce when greed is abundant :3
If the servers so fun why are people quitting for years lol. Games boring and games dead. If you wanna play on a server where u have a 1/400 chance at every boss to get a drop go for it. Maybe that guy who hasnt played for 2 years will win it and never log again lol. ill stick to grinding for a good drop i know i get bc i earned it. certainly has treated me well

Re: Stop joining epona

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2020 3:32 am
by reytch
dont blame the players blame the game
Why blame the game? Does it make choices? Naw... players do. How one server dies is dependent on it’s player base noh? The Dom servers never thought of longevity and was only eyed on the short termed gains. Epona thrives cause u can take a break for years come back and still roll with rest as long as you meet standards. The community treated the game as it should be... not a job u need to keep up with. It’s ok smarts can be very scarce when greed is abundant :3
If the servers so fun why are people quitting for years lol. Games boring and games dead. If you wanna play on a server where u have a 1/400 chance at every boss to get a drop go for it. Maybe that guy who hasnt played for 2 years will win it and never log again lol. ill stick to grinding for a good drop i know i get bc i earned it. certainly has treated me well
Where the hell did I say it’s fun? First time to quote someone I guess? :3 People quit for myriads of reasons too there such as thing we call “real life” and here u can be gone for years come back and still play.

Treated u well huh then why is the game boring and dead for u then as you said and not for others? U quote me and contradicted ur own statements bahaha. Why is people flocking Epona? Oh why oh why? To each his own I guess these all pixels anyway but some gives them too much weight. Markets booming in Epona tho and that’s a fact. Why be salty on others luck? Just a game

Re: Stop joining epona

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2020 1:05 pm
There just to many people joining new to epona please stop I can never ever get in the game during bosses becuase there’s just to many players online on epona. Thanks if you don’t want to experience these issues aswell stay away from epona
You need new players for your economy as they bring money

Re: Stop joining epona

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2020 7:05 pm
by Vulture
This post is hilarious and ridiculous. To be angry at new players joining the game...

You should be grateful that this game, and your server especially still have any players at all if you enjoy it so much.