Small Study: Raw Damage vs. Actual Damage at Constant Resists in PvE
Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2021 7:59 pm
This study is towards determining how resists affect damage.
For the old timers here, in 2013 Papi determined the following formula ( ... =4&t=24804):
% damage taken = raw damage / (raw damage + resist / 2)
Or, to get your average damage:
average damage = raw damage * .75 * (raw damage / (raw damage + resist / 2))
This formula was made by testing in PvP and fit the data quite nicely. From it you could in theory calculate the resistance of a boss by recording your average damage and solving for resist. However, I think this formula needs to be reworked, as I will show below. In case you are unaware, PvE ("Player vs. Everything") means fighting mobs in the game as opposed to PvP.
Let's start with the following question:
Question: If your double your Raw Damage, what happens to your Actual Damage?
There are a few possible results:
1. Increasing Raw Damage by 2x will increase Actual Damage by less than 2x.
That would indicate the modifier is a formula like resist / (resist + raw damage)
2. Increasing Raw Damage by 2x will increase Actual Damage by more than 2x.
That would indicate the modifier is a formula like raw damage / (raw damage + resist), such as Papi's formula.
3. Increasing Raw Damage by 2x will increase Actual Damage by exactly 2x.
That would indicate the modifier is a formula that does not use damage, such as 1 / resist
So I tested this, and the TL;DR results are that the third option held: Increasing Raw Damage by 2x also increased Actual Damage by 2x.
I tested this on a Deathclasp Extractor using Lightning Strike (LS) at two levels:
High LS: 8411 raw damage
Low LS: 4133 raw damage
The high LS is 2.03x the raw damage of the low LS, which is close enough to doubling the raw damage. Since LS is pure magic damage, this would only consider the magic resistance of the mob.
As a side note, I am level 230 and the mob is level 220, however it seems your damage is not affected when you are at or above a mob's level.
I hit the Deathclasp Extractor 100 times with each LS level, and got the following averages:
High LS: 3705.93 average hit, 527.5 standard deviation
Low LS: 1869.09 average hit, 263.27 standard deviation
The High LS hit on average 1.98x the Low LS damage. I would say that is close enough to 2x to say that doubling the raw LS damage doubled the actual LS damage.
Unfortunately, that means Papi's equation does not hold, as I will show below.
Assuming Papi's equation is correct, we can solve for the magic resistance of that Deathclasp Extractor:
average damage = raw damage * .75 * raw damage / (raw damage + resist / 2)
With an average High LS damage of 3705.93 and a raw damage of 8411, we calculate the magic resist to be 11812.48. That is impossibly high, going against what is seen in the game with how lures affect damage. However, assuming it is correct, we can plug in the Low LS raw damage (4133) to see what the expected average hit would be:
raw damage * .75 * raw damage / (raw damage + resist / 2) = 1276.12
1276 vs. 1869 is quite a difference, enough to say that either the mechanics have changed sometime in the past 8 years, or PvP damage mechanics were never mirrored in PvE. While I know many here have lost interest in CH due to the lack of communication from VR, if anyone is interested in doing what I did to collect data in PvE we can determine a new equation.
For the old timers here, in 2013 Papi determined the following formula ( ... =4&t=24804):
% damage taken = raw damage / (raw damage + resist / 2)
Or, to get your average damage:
average damage = raw damage * .75 * (raw damage / (raw damage + resist / 2))
This formula was made by testing in PvP and fit the data quite nicely. From it you could in theory calculate the resistance of a boss by recording your average damage and solving for resist. However, I think this formula needs to be reworked, as I will show below. In case you are unaware, PvE ("Player vs. Everything") means fighting mobs in the game as opposed to PvP.
Let's start with the following question:
Question: If your double your Raw Damage, what happens to your Actual Damage?
There are a few possible results:
1. Increasing Raw Damage by 2x will increase Actual Damage by less than 2x.
That would indicate the modifier is a formula like resist / (resist + raw damage)
2. Increasing Raw Damage by 2x will increase Actual Damage by more than 2x.
That would indicate the modifier is a formula like raw damage / (raw damage + resist), such as Papi's formula.
3. Increasing Raw Damage by 2x will increase Actual Damage by exactly 2x.
That would indicate the modifier is a formula that does not use damage, such as 1 / resist
So I tested this, and the TL;DR results are that the third option held: Increasing Raw Damage by 2x also increased Actual Damage by 2x.
I tested this on a Deathclasp Extractor using Lightning Strike (LS) at two levels:
High LS: 8411 raw damage
Low LS: 4133 raw damage
The high LS is 2.03x the raw damage of the low LS, which is close enough to doubling the raw damage. Since LS is pure magic damage, this would only consider the magic resistance of the mob.
As a side note, I am level 230 and the mob is level 220, however it seems your damage is not affected when you are at or above a mob's level.
I hit the Deathclasp Extractor 100 times with each LS level, and got the following averages:
High LS: 3705.93 average hit, 527.5 standard deviation
Low LS: 1869.09 average hit, 263.27 standard deviation
The High LS hit on average 1.98x the Low LS damage. I would say that is close enough to 2x to say that doubling the raw LS damage doubled the actual LS damage.
Unfortunately, that means Papi's equation does not hold, as I will show below.
Assuming Papi's equation is correct, we can solve for the magic resistance of that Deathclasp Extractor:
average damage = raw damage * .75 * raw damage / (raw damage + resist / 2)
With an average High LS damage of 3705.93 and a raw damage of 8411, we calculate the magic resist to be 11812.48. That is impossibly high, going against what is seen in the game with how lures affect damage. However, assuming it is correct, we can plug in the Low LS raw damage (4133) to see what the expected average hit would be:
raw damage * .75 * raw damage / (raw damage + resist / 2) = 1276.12
1276 vs. 1869 is quite a difference, enough to say that either the mechanics have changed sometime in the past 8 years, or PvP damage mechanics were never mirrored in PvE. While I know many here have lost interest in CH due to the lack of communication from VR, if anyone is interested in doing what I did to collect data in PvE we can determine a new equation.