by Kuda
I think the game lost momentum. Also, I have played since 13 I’m now 23 going onto 24 and I also feel like it doesn’t hit the same due to growing up as well. This game was childhood and I still play because I like the game. But it needs some love and life breathed back into it with…. EVENTS! And more…. But events were the reason I was excited to log in on a daily, it kept me active. If they bring back event jewellery shops, event bosses, event chest, more exciting quests not just kill a lvl 30 eye over and over for a damn hat.
They need a platinum shop where we can buy pet supplies e.g dragon eggs, Imp coins, mount tokens etc… it will eliminate ridiculous prices on these items like 5m for an imp coin where I’m from. We need to be able to buy these items and not just gamble gamble gamble until we finally get a piece for progression. By that point you’ve spent hundreds of dollars and don’t even feel happy about getting what you wanted anymore because you’re eating cheese toasties until next pay day.
We need every zone in Celtic heroes maps to be revived with purpose. We need all level mobs (with yellow writing so they cannot attack everyone unless you attack them). Make them quest kills daily so we can fill we have reasoning behind travelling around the now no matter the level.
Increase the platinum packs. E.g 4000 plat to 8000 plat. This game I am happy to spend my money on and support and it will always gather the support by players as long as they have purpose to spend here. But the platinum packs need to be worth while unless they create the stores for pets items etc..
Bring back even wings, exciting things is what we want. Sleds, carpets, bring event bosses back like cloud bosses and stuff, not exactly the same stuff but the idea. Bring these purposes back event event event!!