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Regarding future events
Posted: Sat May 21, 2022 1:52 pm
by Rabalder
Well, maybe it is only me but…
Reading your plans for the future and it seems nice, but running events every month? Feels like it might be a little to much. There is a reason we celebrate Christmas only once a year. It makes it special. Running events every month seems like a little overkill to me. Working hard to level the good old way (yes I know I sound like n old guy now, but then again, I really am old
) makes me enjoy the game and not stress to do 100 bounties a day and then try to fish and cook to level 5 or 6 toons! Maybe when I retired irl I will have time for that though, so this post might change in some years
Just my 5 cents
Re: Regarding furuer events
Posted: Sun May 22, 2022 2:13 pm
by AzyxPex
Well, maybe it is only me but…
Reading your plans for the future and it seems nice, but running events every month? Feels like it might be a little to much. There is a reason we celebrate Christmas only once a year. It makes it special. Running events every month seems like a little overkill to me. Working hard to level the good old way (yes I know I sound like n old guy now, but then again, I really am old
) makes me enjoy the game and not stress to do 100 bounties a day and then try to fish and cook to level 5 or 6 toons! Maybe when I retired irl I will have time for that though, so this post might change in some years
Just my 5 cents
If the events are consistent then that would dissapate any stress in trying to do everything in one event because you can always focus on one thing this month, another next month and so on, plus i dont think the events will be an all in one thing like this, it will probably be one or 2, with double plat being a different schedule entirely too
Re: Regarding furuer events
Posted: Sun May 22, 2022 6:13 pm
by Rabalder
If the events are consistent then that would dissapate any stress in trying to do everything in one event because you can always focus on one thing this month, another next month and so on, plus i dont think the events will be an all in one thing like this, it will probably be one or 2, with double plat being a different schedule entirely too
A very valid point. Splitting the event up in parts might work better than having all at once
Re: Regarding future events
Posted: Sun May 22, 2022 6:15 pm
by Zakrin_Keylisk
I’m sure it will be a boss respawn event one month, exp, fishing comp (maybe), fashion events, and so on. Have like a 5 item rotation and it won’t feel like a lot. Really they could have a new event every two weeks and make it not feel like a lot as long as they are different, like a 8 to 10 rotation.
Re: Regarding future events
Posted: Sun May 22, 2022 7:52 pm
by LoopyShoes
New to the game. Unfortunately right in the middle of an attack. Really enjoyed what I have been able to of my first event. Fingers crossed Deca are true to their word, have new differing events for vets whilst enticing new gamers, and most importantly secure and steady servers to play on. Its a shame they have to deal with attacks in the first place really :-(