Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

ATTENTION!! Revamp of ch!!! Plz read!

Im going to get straight to the points of this discussion so your not reading the same thing that has been suggest multiple times. WHICH DOESNT INCLUDE SERVER MERGING IN HOPES THAT IT WOKLD SAVE UR SERVER!

1)Plat shop revamp:
some servers, especially epona, the value of plat is decreasing due to so many players buying plat. Currently, the only real valuable item to buy in plat shop is chests. That’s it. The value of that is also going down. I believe if developers implemented other items not just chests to get plat will start increasing in value.

2) inflation
There is just too much gold in the game! Doch costs 120m in epona to get. Yes you can farm it but with the drop ratio being ridiculous low and with all these xp events and people lvling to eg it’s going to take a forever to get.

Just like in corrupt where u buy armour or Lux and it’s no trade there should be more of that! Maybe the next eg gear? The only way to get is buying it off the shop which will decrease amount of gold circulating the economy. Reason for this is, the high lvl players control the economy. Low levels need frost orbs frags ect. But with all these high lvls killing these bosses it’s so easy to increase the value essentially creating a monopoly for low lvls. I know someone that had made alts just to park them at bosses like falgren, copp, ow bosses ect. I should not see frost orbs being sold 10k ea! That’s ridiculous. Low lvls are being discouraged because the boss they need gets killed in an instant. This leads me to my next point.

3) random vendor:

This random vender would appear anywhere in ch and will sell drops needed for armour and these items are non tradeable. And it costs gold! Which will help decrease the amount of gold circulating the economy and balance out the gold and plat value. With this, people who having been camping for months to get a drop can finally buy it though the vender! And it should be random items but should sell the exact quantity of items needed for that specific upgrade. Example: if the gender appears and I need dl wep i would need 4 crowns and 4 horns. But the shop has couple of frags, rems, and 4 crowns! So I managed to get exactly the amount of crowns I need for x amount of gold now I just either need to wait for the next time he shows up and hope he has those items or just farm them.

3) pt 2 vender

If that doesn’t seem like a good idea how about instead of buying these items with gold you buy with tickets which you can only get with play and BOOM you add tickets to the plat shop. Having said that it shouldn’t be a rare thing like pet items or mount tokens it should be maybe as rare as fashion tokens.

4) CLANS!!!
First I want to say that this game has just 2 main purposes… leveling and bossing that’s it! And eventually people get bored of that since it takes like 20 Lix ti lvl sometimes.

So this is why in servers like epona there is no real reason to be in a clan! You can simply show up to boss kill it and if ur get lucky and win the roll you keep the item for ur gear. And just level and have the same experiences as someone who is in a clan. There’s no real incentive of being in a clan. Even in dead servers!
When the game used to be popular they would compete for bosses ect. Now since they can’t even get their clannies online they have to team up to kill the bosses. So really there’s no competition. They are just surviving haha. I don’t know exactly what perks the game should have to make players want to be in a clan but there should be one. This leads me to my last point!!

5) Dungeons!

Only people in the same clan can participate in a dungeon together. Kill special bosses and get drops that is only tradable in their clan. Which then will get people to really be competitive and being the best! You’ll still have bosses like hrung or mord where anyone can shop up and depending on ur server can kill and keep items or kill and roll for items. But in these dungeons I think it should be adjusted to the lvl of players entering it. If all lvl 220s join dungeon just lvl 220 mobs will appear and better loot. I believe that people will start making new clans and having a second clan to start recruiting people through just because they want to be the best of the best!

The loot shouldnt just drop quest items. Should drop armour, weps, jewelry, ect!

OVERALL let’s make real changes BIG CHANGES to Celtic heroes that isn’t some over used events, legacies, and especially chests!

Leave ur inputs plz the more people read this and comment the more traction till get and will get them to read this.

Re: ATTENTION!! Revamp of ch!!! Plz read!

Ngl game would be alot more fun if the devs weren't so stingy with literally every bit of content they add I myself got so dam bored and just quit just decided to randomly check forum cuz idk why lol.. after playing some other games they're just better because at least there is progress. And the whole deal with catering to low levels with events taking the one thing that keeps high levels (legit your only audience/player base at all is high levels nobody new plays this game no one knows of this game when I mention it irl) is really.... strange thing to do. I play for about 6 years and got edl and dg gloves and in that entire time I've seen one voidbane helm drop after Mordris is outdated as ever. Your game is starving itself of everything, the content the players no advertising this game at all so no new players and whatever ppl do play move to one server and make it miserable cuz everywhere else sucks. You add new gear and we have yet to receive all of it's loot table in all servers combined after what? Like 3 years? Then u wanna talk like there's all these low levels that exist and make clans and work their way up. It is literally too hard with all this op crap that got released that broke the game legitimately. Whatever clan killed bt all these years will forever be in power you're not beating anyone in lock battles over the boss you need the drops from to win in the first place lol balance your gear and classes fr the same meta for literally 3 years bro druids are broken and warriors been the PvP meta for like 7 years don't you think it's time for a change ? Maybe the players don't like it but that is literally what makes the game original and keeps you playing. Add new bosses rotate the meta of which classes will be the best on it, and stop making it "druid, druid, druid" and some of the other expensive classes to run will start to pay for what they need. A refreshment that's been severely needed tbh old meta gets stale by the day. When I saw Deca took over I didn't expect any different than what it is today in 100% honesty, nothing got changed or done. I miss this game but can't be bothered to play again

Re: ATTENTION!! Revamp of ch!!! Plz read!

I pray DECA does not implement any of those ideas. Please do not even consider them. The only thing to do to make the game better is to create new map worlds. Higher levels. Have a contest for ideas on the new map design if need be. Please don't regurgitate Alchemical through Arcane hallways. Do more Gardens and the Other World type designs. Even Stoneval and Shalemont have so much more thought in them. Basically, let the Towers theme rest. Higher fishing levels would be nice as well and I imagine the Chefs would like higher cooking levels as well. Don't worry about fixing Gold, Plat or Clans. Those are not the issue. Create NEW content! That is the only answer. Sit down and watch Lord of the Rings, Star War, the Never-Ending Story or anything and let an idea hit you!!!! You have to admit a Valcor mount would be awesome....thoughts?????

Re: ATTENTION!! Revamp of ch!!! Plz read!

I pray DECA does not implement any of those ideas. Please do not even consider them. The only thing to do to make the game better is to create new map worlds. Higher levels. Have a contest for ideas on the new map design if need be. Please don't regurgitate Alchemical through Arcane hallways. Do more Gardens and the Other World type designs. Even Stoneval and Shalemont have so much more thought in them. Basically, let the Towers theme rest. Higher fishing levels would be nice as well and I imagine the Chefs would like higher cooking levels as well. Don't worry about fixing Gold, Plat or Clans. Those are not the issue. Create NEW content! That is the only answer. Sit down and watch Lord of the Rings, Star War, the Never-Ending Story or anything and let an idea hit you!!!! You have to admit a Valcor mount would be awesome....thoughts?????
Issues are subjective in this scenario in his server these are his problems. 1. Everyone wants to go there 2. Servers do get full 3. He is right I'm sure people in epona after all these years have millions of gold to burn which shrinks supply very easily cuz they can hog all that they feel like they will need. Simple economics tells you make your supply go for longer by raising the price of each unit. These would be issues in every server if they'd start in the right place with what you said and draw in more players but playing this charade like they have just soooooo many noobs coming to play this game and saying "ya know what? I think I'll start my clan and try to rise to the top" even if they did how far u think they'd get? Lol that's the problem I see with this game. No new players can get anywhere on their own or with their own group of friends if they wanted too so they end up joining a clan and going that direction or going the other direction and move to a FFA server which lets anyone progress at no commitment. That's literally the only two choices in this game if you wanna get past dragonlord.

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