So you're a noob.
You're in need of some help.
So here's my noob guide for levels
I am starting off with things you purchase because in my eyes this is where many new player have trouble.
Firstly obtaining 200k+ in gold is not what level 1-70's need to worry about. When it comes to gold there are a few things to "shoot" for:
1. Better armor/weapons, there are basically 4 paths for new players to take:
A) Redclaw, silverleaf, sorcerer, highroad and darkrun armor, the cheapest of armor but an upgrade none the less. Great for levels 1-25
(Cost roughly 1-5k per piece)
B) Ancient armor (cheaper kind) this is a small upgrade from Choice A Most skip choice A and go strait to this. This armor is great for levels 26- 45
(Cost roughly 2-10k per piece)
C) Ancient armor (The more expensive kind) this is the basic non quest related armor. It's good for levels 46-60
(Cost roughly 5-20k per piece)
D) Warden Upgrade Armor, this is the best of armor for levels before 80. This is only obtainable through completing quest. The quest is unlocked at level 50, but you probably wont be able to complete until later, unless you are in a clan. You must collect certain disc Dragon, Crown, Elm, Oak, Sun and Moon. These all drop from Stonevale bosses. Dragon, Crown and Elm are harder to get due to harder bosses.
Once you're level 60+ it'd be a great time to start going for the gloves and boots.
(Disc cost can very from 3-100k)
Bonus pro tip: The warden weapon and chest are extremly hard to obtain. Usually the Disc required for them are banked in a clans bank as clans watch the bosses that drop the disc. Which is why they can cost up to 100k for 1 dragon disc. So this will explain the surplus of people walking around with missing warden chest and weapons.
2. Some kind of regenerating ammy wether it be health or magic. This is a huge help as they heal your character durring battle. They are all very costly I think the cheapest being 20k but they can go all the way up to 200k depending on your playstyle you may want to get the ammy first as it will truly help you A LOT.
Basic Buying Pro Tip: Try shouting for items you desire many high level players have items they are willing to sell, FOR GOLD. Trust me if you're a level 30 trading with a level 100+ they will have any item you try to insult them with. You don't want to make higher levels ignore you as they can be very helpful. Basic prices for used items can be 50%-60% store value. But when it comes to LUX items they tend to hold the price a little more something like 70-90% store value.
Now I shall move onto the leveling part of the game.
But first...
If you are a level 50 or lower and are a solo player for the most part GET OUT OF STONEVALE.
Before update this was the last part of the game, and way to many times have I seen levels 1-50's in Stonevale asking for help.
My usual response to them is, "You're a (insert level here) go back to shalemont/lirs.
This is what usually the major problem is for most players.
If you were to spend your time playing in areas that are meant for your level you will not only level faster but you'll also see you no longer need help.
The Take Your Time Pro Tip: This game isn't a game where you get a quest like kill wolves and once you finish it, you'll never have to kill them again. This game is repetitious and you will have to kill many of the same enemy over and over.
Early Stats Builds Pro Tip: You get 5 stat points to add to 1 of 4 choices:
1. Strength
2. Dexterity
3. Focus
4. Vitality
The key to this game IMO is vitality but on early levels is more of a balance thing but vitality is one to put a few more points in.
Skills Pro Tip: Every level you get 1 skill point to add to one of your soon to be many skills. New players should put some in healing spells unless they are in a group with a Druid then toucan focus on attack/support skills.
Stars Pro Tip: Every enemy has stars above them this indicates how tough an enemy is. Solo try sticking to 1-3 stars (some 3's will still just be too tough. In groups you can try 3-5 stars.
Levels 1-10: For the most part just keep following the main quest line. Take some time but not much time killing simple wolves slowly moving up to the higher level ones.
The reason you don't want to spend much time on them is the fact that they don't drop gold. You want to grind and level on enemies that drop both items to sell and Gold. Don't go into any new place until you reach level 10
Stupid People Pro Tip: Grind = spending an absurd amount of time killing the same enemies.
Levels 11-20
This is where you will want to enter crookback. The main quest will send you here. The enemies in here are perfect for these levels and you can even begin to spend more time killing as these enemies now drop a little gold and items for you to sell.
The Antsy Pro Tip Reminder: Remember this is not a game where you go through Crookback once and you're done with it. You must grind and fight more then just following a strait path to the end.
Once you get to level 15+ you have a few other options when it comes to leveling. Back in lirs just south of The Temple there is a camp with many enemies that will give you good exp. as well as a few gold.
There is another similar spot in lirs to continue the leveling to 20 and that spot is located to the way north of The Tavern. The location of it is "The Northern Peninsula" on the map. This is another camp with many guys that roughly give you the same drops as the last camp.
Levels 21-30
Now it is time for you to move on to Dustwither, once again the main quest will take you here. There are two laystones in this place and for now you are going to want to stay in the first area. You'll notice the enemies drop a little better drops and a little more gold. Keep killing until you reach level 24-25 then you can try to move on to the second laystone.
The Realization Of How Much Grinding There Is Pro Tip: On your way to level 30 you'll realize that grinding will be your new best friend. It will slowly take longer and longer the higher the level you get.
So just push trough it and you'll make it to 30 in no time.
Levels 31-40
Once you've made it to the 30's you will now of opened another option on leveling. You can either stay in Dustwither or move on to the 2nd part of the world named "Shalemont Ravine" IMO Dustwither should be used until about level 35 then you should have enough money by then to give your guy a nice armor upgrade or weapon purchase before moving on to Shalemont.
Once in Shalemont try to stick closer to the camp as the enemies gain levels the further you get away from it.
The Better Items Pro Tip: Shalemonts enemies drop items that can be sold for a great price. This area is where you'll finally be able to start making decent gold.
Levels 41-50
For these levels you want to get to the "Greygorge" laystone. From here heading east will take you to a camp with tons of enemies to take out. Keep grinding away until you hit level 45 then it is time to move to the "Shalemont River" laystone.
Here you can just keep on grinding, if you aren't using pots by the time you hit 50 you should have a nice sized wallet. So once again buy any armor or weapon upgrade you can afford.
Levels 51-60
Once again you now have another option for leveling. You can stay here and fight the enemies in Shalemont until level 55, or you can enter the 3rd part of the world named "Stonevale" via the entrance by the Greygorge laystone.
Once you've moved on to Stonevale you've made it! This is the spot were you will now level until you reach level 90. But as for leveling to 60, stay along the paths to the farm. If you want to venture a little more start moving down the path with the "Blue Whisp" but I wouldn't travel farther then that for now.
Levels 61-79
I understand that's a lot of levels to cover but it's really just more grinding. Watch for enemy levels and make sure you aren't taking enemies 10 levels higher then you. Just keep killing non stop. Once you make it to level 79 congrats! You are now no longer a noob in the world of Celtic Heroes.
This could be way more in depth I understand that but this is just a basic guide for noobs to follow to point them in the right direction.
My Last Pro Tip: Remember when you're standing shouting for help not doing anything or begging for gold, you aren't leveling you aren't really doing anything. So save yourself some time because I'd say 98% of the players that play this game dislike any player that begs. Playing like my guide will help you establish a good reputation with your character.
Thanks for reading and sorry if this didn't help. I will write more in depth faqs if you guys like this one, but like I said this is just a quick guide line for leveling up and collecting money as a beginner/low leveled person.
Word to your Mother.
Guild Lines For Leveling/Collecting Gold: A Noob Guide
Your ass shoots flames, literally your ass will shoot flames.