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Obtaining Yellow and/or Green Sunstones

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 7:01 pm
by TheNinth
What I did, was looked at all of the spawning areas, went to the map, and took screenshots.
Eventually I ended up with most (4 missing) of the Sunstone spawns.
I made a map in Photoshop, and put all of the spawnpoints on.
Then I joined the dots and started running around.

This is what it looked like:
Basically I went along Red, then Orange, then Yellow, then Purple, then I went into Dustwither and walked out, going along Green, then Blue, then that other pinkish thing.

Each run took 10 minutes, and by that time the first Sunstone I had collected was there again, so I just repeated the process.

And each run gave me anywhere from 10 to 21 Sunstones, depending on how many were randomly collected.

I had this thing FIGURED OUT.

It was pretty sweet, and I collected many sunstones this way.

Now I have a Purple Mask of Lugh, unfortunately I didn't waste enough time to get the White Mask.

So... How did YOU obtain Sunstones?

Re: Obtaining Yellow and/or Green Sunstones

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 12:38 am
by Sheath
I actually teamed up with two of my friends and we collected sunstones at a slow pace until we had all of them. Now we just swap, and share them. I did buy a few from some newbs, really cheap though.

Re: Obtaining Yellow and/or Green Sunstones

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 1:55 am
by Blossom
I had a alt in the arena that collected just there
Then my main went around a set pattern similar to yours but I think you teleported more than me. My carpet made it easy to get from stone to stone. O then I made a alt for a couple of the out of the way stones easier to just log them and have them collect. I was first on Taranis with a white mask then I collected for my alt. so I got two white masks.

Re: Obtaining Yellow and/or Green Sunstones

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 7:43 pm
by TheNinth
I had a alt in the arena that collected just there
Then my main went around a set pattern similar to yours but I think you teleported more than me. My carpet made it easy to get from stone to stone. O then I made a alt for a couple of the out of the way stones easier to just log them and have them collect. I was first on Taranis with a white mask then I collected for my alt. so I got two white masks.
I actually teamed up with two of my friends and we collected sunstones at a slow pace until we had all of them. Now we just swap, and share them. I did buy a few from some newbs, really cheap though.

Re: Obtaining Yellow and/or Green Sunstones

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 8:56 pm
by Solarus
Similar path, but I bought a substantial amount from noobs who sold for 10g or less. I probably bought 750 stones this way.

Re: Obtaining Yellow and/or Green Sunstones

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 1:05 am
by mdimarco
Excellent work ninth. I had been looking for someone to plot out the locations of all the sunstones so this even better than that.

This is the kind of work that I really admire. Taking the time to explain a method that can make peoples lives easier and be more productive.