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Ancient Equipment

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 3:41 am
by Llayaz
Evening all,

I finally got a chance to have a look at the new update lastnight after many hours waiting for a spot.
Just a quick question, i was looking at all the new ancient armor and weapons and brought an ancient sceptre for 21k however when i was looking back through the trader i noticed the ancient rod which was half the price has more magic dmg than the sceptre, the rod was on 23 magic where the Sceptre only reads 18.. is this simply an typing error? im rather bummed now after spending 21k on a weapon where the cheaper one is better. :( :(

any info would be greatly appreciated...... many thanks

Re: Ancient Equipment

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 7:42 am
by Rattlebones
I was going to post this myself... I'm guessing it's a bug and supposed to be higher, could do with putting this in support section aswell in case it gets overlooked.