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Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 3:13 pm
by FallenReborn
Well first I would like to say that this game is really kool love the game the people and everything good leveling nice swords but here's some things that could make it better: first of all I noticed in every successful and fun mmorpg there's sword and armour with incredible effects like fire enveloping a sword or lightning/the other thing is we need better interfaces like in the clan theirs nothing like (invite to clan) name here:/ we need better and faster gameplay killing hate it when I'm waiting long for a sword to or anything to shoot or swing/another topic is events minigames and clan war/ territory war everyone loves a good war but if the swords and weapons were just slow it would just be boring so increase the weapon speed effects graphics and make it all out fun and it will be the best mmorpg out there! Also clan cloaks don't sound bad I love having a cloak with a special icon and having a merit war system. We also need more skill slots/ skills like Aoes the skills in here are pathetic(no offense) according to a mmorpg. People want skills like area of effect and ones that just blow your mind with the effects. Something out of this world not like something derived from medieval times.Maybe add a clan thing where u can have your own castle and clan quests.Boss respawn time could be increased. Deffinitely need potions and such.
And then there's the idea of mounts because everyone hates running that's also another way you can earn money off the game. But you need to setup and economy.

Please reply to this post with your thoughts

Re: Suggestions

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 11:37 pm
by FallenReborn
WHY IS NOONE LEAVING A REPLY!?!?! Do you or do you not want any of these things i mean seriously no comment means it'll disappear and noone will see it. I wanna know what you think!

Re: Suggestions

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 12:52 am
by Quickcloud
It's no offense to your post but probably why you haven't had much depots are because alot of it has been suggested before.

This game is still very early in it development stage. More skills, weapons and armor are being added with each update.

Pvp is being looked to be added in the next update. Not full scale, but it's a start.

Personally the biggest thing this game needs is something to occupy players after they reach the top out lvls. The flashy stuff like weapon affects and clan cloaks are just extra touches.

Re: Suggestions

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 2:38 am
by FallenReborn
But the flashy weapons/ armies minigames and events would motivate everyone together better started this game two days ago and I'm lvl 30

Re: Suggestions

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 7:57 am
by admin
Hi there thanks a lot for posting the suggestions.

We are going to do as you say and add in some nice effects, we're currently working on a particle system to go into the game and then we will be able to do things like fiery swords and some much better spell effects.


Re: Suggestions

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 5:01 pm
by Darkchylde
Cool effects would be awsome an spell effects would be awsome an mounts heck yea one them war horses i keep seeing i refuse to kill them :)cause i hope one day that will be my best friend an ally in battle

Re: Suggestions

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 7:11 pm
by Ss heretic
Hi there thanks a lot for posting the suggestions.

We are going to do as you say and add in some nice effects, we're currently working on a particle system to go into the game and then we will be able to do things like fiery swords and some much better spell effects.

Adding a moderator to every sub-forum would be a great addition. Not only is this forum getting really messy, but I can't see the forest because of all the trees. This post was simply in the wrong section and communicating errors bring up some irritations to everyone (somtimes unnoticed).

Some active members likewould be great Moderators.

There are also loads of advertising Member bots (again), just check the members list.

Re: Suggestions

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 7:17 pm
by Skenkee
banned people are still viewed in the member list thats why the advertisement bots are still there.

Re: Suggestions

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 9:00 pm
by FallenReborn
So glad people saw this,encouraged it, and even thanked it. glad that these ideas are gonna be put to use! Thank you I hope people keep posting there own suggestions! :)

Re: Suggestions

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 12:04 am
by FallenReborn
Bump! 2nd page