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Most competitive world

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 2:56 am
by Robert
Which world is the most competitive?

Just wondering what other worlds are like, Sulis is very competitive. :lol:

Rob. :mrgreen:

Re: Most competitive world

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 3:02 am
by Alpha393
Not really sure. It would be interesting to see though.

Re: Most competitive world

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 4:57 am
by MadOnion
Each world can hold/gear only so much ppl
So all worlds about same 2/3 top clans

Re: Most competitive world

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 10:09 am
by jakethesnake
rob sulis isnt that competetive compared to some times in rose and epona

Re: Most competitive world

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 10:27 am
by Sir Blaze333
I don't know much about other worlds but in Rhiannon, we have free for all rules to controll our competition. Some players go too far and dislike you a a person because you are in the rival clan etc.

Re: Most competitive world

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 10:40 am
by Regenleif
In Taranis, politics are a bit funny these days...

There used to be two main big highlvl clans (theILLUMINATI and Versus), and two main med-lowlvl clans (RaveArmy and JuntosComoUno). Illuminati and VS had VERY high tensions (KS on sight at one point!)... But then Versus split in half: half made a new clan called Paradox, and the other half joined a small clan (which previously had consisted of a plat-baby and his two alts). The new clan, called Pride, quickly became #1 (I bet the platbaby was very surprised). Meanwhile, JuntosComoUno changed its name to TrueLoyalty (I dont know why). After everyone had registered that, a very unpopular fellow named RedDeadDevil decided to join in on all the clan fun and make his own clan called TheFallenStar, and he attempted to recruit every one from every clan no matter what their level. Due to the extreme amount of people in his new clan, TFS became #1. Meanwhile a clan which every Taranisian knowns of: RaveArmy (A.K.A. NoobArmy), started to fall apart due to the extreme selfishness of its absolute-dictator Rave1, who took all the drops from clan bosses and used them to spoil himself and his alts. Most people left RaveArmy and joined Pride (and a few joined Illuminati), and now Rave1 is in a clan all by himself :/. Meanwhile Illuminati continues to have extremely firm and select recruitment, denying many people a place, causing Pride to greatly gain in size. Upon the creation of Aggragoth, Pride and Illuminati (which have been ignoring each other's existence) decide to split Aggragoth kills by week (One week Pride can kill, next week Illuminati). After a couple weeks of relative peace between the clans, a plat-baby (more like a plat-tycoon) named Boyd decided to say "F*** politics" and bought himself a clan called Greens, which later became TheBigGreens, and ultimately Liberate. Boyd decided to play Clan Baseball, and used the lure of gold and plat to bring powerful people from Pride to his clan. After a while, RedDeadDevil abandoned TFS (probably because of its TERRIBLE reputation of ksers and outcasts) and made Prejudice, which seems to be the same thing as TFS except for people 100+. Along with all of this it seems as though 1,000 other people (lvl 80-) have decided that clans can be used as a sort of profit (Being cheiftan and taking drops from clan kills), resulting in the creation of many many small clans which -since the chiefs know that all the highlvls are already in clans- camp the Area list of Stonevale waiting for someone clanless to pop into SV. During the chaos and strangeness of the server around them, Illuminati stops communication with the outside world and focuses on raising the lvls and supplies availible to them. However, other the last couple days, one of the main rogues left Illuminati and made a new clan called CULT (perhaps while drunk) along with 2 of Illuminati's best tanks. It is unknown what Illuminati will do.

At the current moment, there seems to be a breath of non-chaos in the server of Taranis (except in SV of course) ;)

Re: Most competitive world

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 1:34 pm
by Eliminater
Damn that was hard to read.

Re: Most competitive world

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 2:35 pm
by Sir Blaze333
Damn that was hard to read.

Re: Most competitive world

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 3:13 pm
by Mihindu
Woah that was intense.

Re: Most competitive world

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 2:24 am
by jAcob123345
Danu just has alot of drama