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Fire Bolt Formula

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 12:02 am
by Papi
Well I finally finished reverse engineering the firebolt formula. it is accurate to within 2% worst case.
I used over 120 data points ranging from zero to 1030 ability, 1 to 25 skill, and 10 to 450 focus

Firebolt Damage = 5.5 + Skill Piece * (Focus piece + Ability piece)

Skill Piece = (Skill Slope* (Skill) + Skill Intercept)
Skill Piece = (6* (Skill) + 11)

Focus piece = Focus Slope*(Sqrt(Focus)-Sqrt(10))
Focus piece = .1054*(Sqrt(Focus)-Sqrt(10))

Abiilty piece = Ability Slope*Sqrt(Ability)+Ability Intercept
Abiilty piece = .02793*Sqrt(Ability)+1

It is similar to the auto damage formula I did a while ago.
The error comes in because the skill level to damage formula is actually a saw tooth which I replaced with a single slope average.

I assume other skills use the same formula with different constants.

Take aways. Focus and ability are square root functions so the return on investment gets smaller.

Re: Fire Bolt Formula

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 12:54 am
by Vinyl Sctratch
Whaaaaa?.... Are you trying to divide by zero? -.-

Re: Fire Bolt Formula

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 1:19 am
by revenge
Ok. I posted this question in mage forums Papi but it was deleted. According to your formula, Should I use a Void Grim of Frost book (+300 ice magic, +175 Focus) or a Shadow Grim of flame book (+200 fire magic, +150 Focus) to generally hit the most damaging fire bolts over time?


Re: Fire Bolt Formula

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 1:24 am
by Sir Blaze333
Ok. I posted this question in mage forums Papi but it was deleted. According to your formula, Should I use a Void Grim of Frost book (+300 ice magic, +175 Focus) or a Shadow Grim of flame book (+200 fire magic, +150 Focus) to generally hit the most damaging fire bolts over time?

Sub in your numbers and figure it out :D

Re: Fire Bolt Formula

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 2:23 am
by Papi
Whaaaaa?.... Are you trying to divide by zero? -.-
There is no division anywhere!?!

Re: Fire Bolt Formula

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 2:33 am
by Sir Blaze333
Whaaaaa?.... Are you trying to divide by zero? -.-
There is no division anywhere!?!
Papi, you can't divide by zero :ugeek:

Re: Fire Bolt Formula

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 2:56 am
by Papi
Ok. I posted this question in mage forums Papi but it was deleted. According to your formula, Should I use a Void Grim of Frost book (+300 ice magic, +175 Focus) or a Shadow Grim of flame book (+200 fire magic, +150 Focus) to generally hit the most damaging fire bolts over time?

A quick look guessing at your level and stats get the fire book.

Re: Fire Bolt Formula

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 4:16 am
by mdimarco
Ok. I posted this question in mage forums Papi but it was deleted. According to your formula, Should I use a Void Grim of Frost book (+300 ice magic, +175 Focus) or a Shadow Grim of flame book (+200 fire magic, +150 Focus) to generally hit the most damaging fire bolts over time?

A quick look guessing at your level and stats get the fire book.
No! Your asking the wrong question...Yes you should be using shards :).

Adding this to wiki like a bat out of hell before this post disappears!

Re: Fire Bolt Formula

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 4:23 am
by mdimarco
Ok I was having trouble figuring out what you are doing papi but it makes sense now. Took me like 3 seconds to figure out so i would assume ppl might have trouble understanding what's going on. Maybe we could make it easier to understand, I'll tweak it a bit on the wiki.

Re: Fire Bolt Formula

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 4:30 am
by mdimarco
Here isy edited version, mabye it will be easier for some to follow and know what they need to do. ... 89#p155589
Well I finally finished reverse engineering the firebolt formula. it is accurate to within 2% worst case. I used over 120 data points ranging from zero to 1030 ability, 1 to 25 skill, and 10 to 450 focus

Firebolt Damage = 5.5 + X* (Y + Z)

X = (6* (Skill) + 11)
Y = .1054*(Sqrt(Focus)-Sqrt(10))
Z = .02793*Sqrt(Ability)+1

where X is a skill piece. X can be seen more generally as: Skill Piece = (Skill Slope* (Skill) + Skill Intercept)
where Y is a focus piece. Y can be seen more generally as: Focus piece = Focus Slope*(Sqrt(Focus)-Sqrt(10))
where Z is an ability piece. Z can be seen more generally as: Abiilty piece = Ability Slope*Sqrt(Ability)+Ability Intercept

It is similar to the auto damage formula I did a while ago. The error comes in because the skill level to damage formula is actually a saw tooth which I replaced with a single slope average.
I assume other skills use the same formula with different constants.
Take aways. Focus and ability are square root functions so the return on investment gets smaller.