Re: Discs
#2Most players got disc because before patch u used bolas and THE bosses where chasing u an dont use skills nut now they use skill so u must be with much players of an better tactic to kill them
Last edited by FighterEpona on Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Fighter, rogue
Clan: Anarchy
Proud owner of epona's first doch gul bp
Clan: Anarchy
Proud owner of epona's first doch gul bp

Re: Discs
#4The disc's drop from all the wisp bosses, unicorn boss, and druid boss. They can drop anywhere from 1 to 6 discs. If multiple are dropped more than one member of the group will recieve one. Except for druid boss, the type of disc dropped is random. It seems so far only the druid boss can drop the dragon disc's.
75 Druid - Luminire (main)
54 Rogue - Lumi
50 Mage - Frawst
50 Ranger - Quickcloud
50 Warrior - Lag
Herne - Shadowknights
54 Rogue - Lumi
50 Mage - Frawst
50 Ranger - Quickcloud
50 Warrior - Lag
Herne - Shadowknights
Re: Discs
#6Ive killed all bosses multiple times. Sometimes you get several frags, sometimes just 1. We have 1 guy in full gear, but most of clan has a piece or 2. I have helm, gloves and pants
Arwen: Ranger lvl 164 chieftan Rapture Eve Rhiannon
BlueBird warrior tank lvl 88
Aurora68: Druid lvl 80
Morganelefaye: Mage lvl 81
Satine: Rogue lvl 115
Missbehavin: lvl 80Druid (on vacation) sulis
BlueBird warrior tank lvl 88
Aurora68: Druid lvl 80
Morganelefaye: Mage lvl 81
Satine: Rogue lvl 115
Missbehavin: lvl 80Druid (on vacation) sulis