Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

We are here to help!

I wanted to address the concern of the moderators being too controlling. First thing is this: read the new forum rules by community. Second: we are not tolerating any post that becomes a direct attack on another player, a clan, or the game. We are here to moderate the forum to make sure conversations are carried out in a civil and organized manner. If you don't want your topic locked, don't bash on anyone. If you have a question feel free to pm me or volde.
pigman, with the fury of the pigs and the mind of a man
level 210+ rogue
put your pants on, we're going out

Re: We are here to help!

I dont like you.

Now lock this, please, no one wants to see you post.
I will occasionly browse the forums, but for the most part im done.

If you wish to contact me, please feel free to message, as my E-mail is hooked up with the messages :D

Thank you everyone, for making this a special game.

Re: We are here to help!

I dont like you.

Now lock this, please, no one wants to see you post.
i dont mind pigman but voldermort has been abusing his power on rhiannon fourms because some topics if the admin wanted them blocked he would of done it along time ago
Stemzer:81 warrior
S1ay3rz: 115 rouge
Milo06:113 ranger
Johnrock99:108 warrior
Artistia:100 mage

Re: We are here to help!

Is posting a name of someone that stole ur stuff and should be avoided bashing?

Lv152 warrior ToFat4Fun
(And some alts)

Re: We are here to help!

I dont like you.

Now lock this, please, no one wants to see you post.
Thank you for your un-constructive criticism Notso... Its always a joy.

Appreciate you looking out Pigman. It has been getting hairy in a few of the threads as of late.
Jarhead -- Ranger - Lvl 153
LeatherNeck -- Warrior - Lvl 145
DevilDog -- Druid - Lvl 137
Mars -- Rogue - Lvl 91

Re: We are here to help!

Toofat, it is against forum rules to name scammers. Not saying I agree with it, just that it is a rule that I am obligated to enforce
pigman, with the fury of the pigs and the mind of a man
level 210+ rogue
put your pants on, we're going out

Re: We are here to help!

I wouldnt say voldemort is abusing his power on the rhiannon forums. He is following the guidelines layed out for him and using his best judgement to enforce it. Even if we disagree with wether some of the topics should have been locked or not, they were chosen for the job for a reason. Its a thankless job, cut them some slack.


Lady Rosethorn of Rhiannon
Guardian to Rapture Eve
Rhiannon Mage lvl 200+

-Clan Member of InnerCircle.
-Past Guardian of RaptureEve, Dead but never forgotten.

Re: We are here to help!

Thankyou rose. As I explained in another post, for a long time there was little to no moderating. Then me and volde were thrown soon the job with new rules added as well. The mixture of the new rules and new adherence to moderating has kicked the forum in the arse so to speak so volde and I have asked community to review both our actions and the new rules which seem to be the basis for much of the anger that is being directed at us
pigman, with the fury of the pigs and the mind of a man
level 210+ rogue
put your pants on, we're going out

Re: We are here to help!

Then me and volde were thrown soon the job with new rules added as well. The mixture of the new rules and new adherence to moderating has kicked the forum in the arse so to speak so volde and I have asked community to review both our actions and the new rules which seem to be the basis for much of the anger that is being directed at us
Agreed, and unfortunately for you and Volde, you guys end up being the poster boys for taking it up the ... without any lubricant :D

IMO, the rules could have been delayed a little bit, even just a week or two after the announcement about new mods.

I would disagree with Lady tho, it's not a thankless job.

Thank you Pigman for stepping up :)
World: Rhiannon

Re: We are here to help!

Pig I don't think you need to justify your actions , if people don't like it they can whine to community and see how far it gets them . I bet you felt more love before you had a green name though :p

I'm no fan of the new rules but it's not as if pig and Vold were in a meeting with admin and community and came up with them , they are just here to enforce them .

In the game pig is ferocious , a great clan mate who always has your back and is willing to go above and beyond to get the clan where it needs to be , I expect he will be the same as a mod and idc what anyone has to say about him , if you don't like him , you have to respect his attitude on getting the job done .
Clan Avalon


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