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Ragnor Spawn Time
Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 7:14 pm
by ChelseyMason
Sorry If this has been a subject in the past, but if it has, its only because it needs to change. As many know there is a line for Ragnor now, in an area with nothing else to do, in a game with an auto log after being inactive...
Now maybe this ridiculous wait time was done on purpose to create competition, but lets face it when Im waiting, Im waiting with MY CLAN! and from what I've read most other servers are the same. A clan that's at least twice as strong as the runner up controls the world. The point of a clan is to be a team, so why compete with them? (Unless its friendly competition, and a Rag KS is never friendly). Plus cutting line and taking Rag from another clan has resulted in full on clan wars. Its not that Elementals cant handle that, its just that we're nicer then that, or we don't want to hear little kids cry? (Not sure which, just doesn't seem sportsmen like)
Anyways I don't feel like a slow re-spawn time adds to the game at all. Its a daily quest, implying you get rewarded for just logging in to the game. (Ive camped Rag for over an hour because of a line)
Re: Ragnor Spawn Time
Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 7:31 pm
by Spitfire
Come to Mabon we have no lines.
Re: Ragnor Spawn Time
Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 10:15 pm
by ChelseyMason
lol I've invested to much in belenus
Re: Ragnor Spawn Time
Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 1:14 am
by DanielsonIII
they should def decrease the amount of time in which he spawns. def spawns too slow.
Re: Ragnor Spawn Time
Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 2:22 am
by Ohia
This is the case in rosmerta, most of the time i dont bother and just lvl instead to get the xp rag offers, or boss hunt for much better gold, while all the higher lvls camp it in arena
Re: Ragnor Spawn Time
Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 4:07 am
by Maxxee
This has been discussed many times. Most say that the arena is a free for all area and to just take or kill the gladiator from someone else. Really sucks for us druids who aren't built for pvp/dps. Yes we can call our clan but i hate to bother people when they might be doing something else. Yes if i mentioned in clan chat that i need help most if not all would come in a heartbeat. I just dont wanna pull people away from what they're doing.
The number one suggestion has been adding a 150 gladiator which i feel would definetly help. Everyday more people hit 130 and have to camp, depending on server, with 150s also waiting on ragnor. Unfortunately the best way for us to gain xp at our level is the gladiator so we are gonna camp or steal him. If we had a 150 gladiator then that could easily fix all of our problems.
But i also have a feeling that with the new update coming soon and the soft level cap being increased to 180 they are basically going to have to make more gladiators above the 130 one. We probably just need to be patient and wait on the update. Personally i hope they bring in two for the next update. A level 150 gladiator and a level 180 gladiator, to avoid the problem we have now. Put the 150 at the other side of the arena, in front of the caged door opposite of the entrance, and throw the 180 smack dab in the middle of the arena! Have the 180 as big as like falgren, deadroot, and ignus so it stands out. Just for cosmetic purposes.
Just some thoughts.
Re: Ragnor Spawn Time
Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 5:13 am
by MortalCreed
Just kill strog he has a very fast spawn time and he is easy to kill

Re: Ragnor Spawn Time
Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 2:19 pm
by Chelseam2
Oh gee what a good Idea, Oh wait! We need Ragnor for the xp quest kill not just to kill something! 'You kill strog'
'Ragnor quest completed'
'you get 120k xp'
Oh wait! NO
Re: Ragnor Spawn Time
Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 2:25 pm
by Spitfire
I like the idea of a 150 plus mob but really I hope they just never add to this quest.
The new update will take away any need for the daily quest because the xp just won't be that great to worry about it.
I think the idea of bringing people to the arena to fight was a good one.
However judging by how people describe the lines in other worlds I don't think the plan worked as intended.
Re: Ragnor Spawn Time
Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 3:48 pm
by frumentarii
Having an XP quest in the Arena, especially one where the rez times are not adequate to meet demand and people kill just for kicks along with the ridiculous amount of tension it creates equates to a poorly executed way of improving traffic to the Arena.
-Make the XP bosses a little more challenging and move them outside of the Arena or make it the same as the Duskshadow armor quests where you can only do it once a day.
-Keep the guys in the Arena, but don't have them give XP, have then give items, idols, pots, and or occassional rare items, i.e. weapons and armor that are level equivalent (non-tradeable items though).