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Christmas Event has been announced

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 3:29 pm
by Darkchylde
I'm starting this post for ideas for the Christmas Event that has been announced by admin so let's get a early jump on ol Santa Claus ,,ideas ideas is the name of the game

Re: Christmas Event has been announced

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 3:36 pm
by admin
Hi there, yes please post ideas. Also if you let us know what you did or didn't like about the Halloween event so we can improve those aspects for the Christmas event.

Re: Christmas Event has been announced

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 3:39 pm
by jokii90
Helloween finished, chritmas up lol :lol:
Maybe the quest stuff could have a bit better stats?

Re: Christmas Event has been announced

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 6:46 pm
by admin
Hey there, we haven't started making the Christmas event yet which is why it's a great time to get some feedback!

Re: Christmas Event has been announced

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 7:16 pm
by Death
Hey there, we haven't started making the Christmas event yet which is why it's a great time to get some feedback!
Stats, perhaps... But most holiday event items should be festive. Anyway, I think its pretty traditional when I say one of the first Christmas events should include a Santa Hat. You simply can't have many Christmas festivities without giving out one of these. I'm not saying the quest has to revolve around santa - but at least give his hat out.

Re: Christmas Event has been announced

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 7:19 pm
by PaddyW
for Christmas there should be an offer for platinum a boss called Santa clause and a quest to find Santa's reindeer's

Re: Christmas Event has been announced

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 7:49 pm
by Solarus
Oh ideas, ideas, ideas...

Santa hat is a must. Besides that you could do I suppose a Santa or Reindeer boss (like uni boss) or giant gingerbread cookie (like Gingy from Shrek :D ). Quests could be collect mistletoe, christmas candels, gingerbread cookies, ornaments, mini christmas trees, sleigh bells, presents, holly around the thyme field, etc. Items to get from bosses or quests could be reindeer mount (if we have advanced that far by then) or a santa sleigh that you can fly like the broom or tobagan sled that glides on the ground idk. Perhaps a wand that shoots presents like the pumpkin wand. You could even do a full santa suit including hat, gloves, fur coat, black boots, etc. You could even make a candy cane pole for a druid perhaps. You could give Lirs reach a makeover and paint the landscape white instead or add christmas lights or if you have the technology make snowflakes fall in areas. Christmas trees could be placed outside the castle, etc. You could then make snowmen mobs or bosses and have tophats or scarves as drops or again a wand that shoots snowballs instead. If you want random armor it would be cool to have a pure white set of armor like to resemble snow, call it Snowfall Breastplate 2011 or Crystalline or something, etc. Armor like that would eliminate items seemingly only for mages like the pumpkin wand. Ha random thought do the pumpkin head but make it an animated santa face or Ginger Bread head haha. A giant penguin boss would even be cool too or help a NPC around Lirs reach search for his missing penguins.

The real thing that needs to be invented for events such as Halloween and Christmas are "Houses" where we can incorporate a bank system. Gah hard to explain but imagine a part of the castle lets say or one of the villages where one of the doors every character can go inside. Inside is there own individual room linked to their account. The point in doing this would be so that we could get "decorations for the room" which would increase a variety in drops or quest items. Just little stuff to display and collect is all.

Just a really random side note, but one thing I would like to see from devs would be a fan photo screenshot contest or things like that on the website. It's a great way to get the community involved where you can award an ingame special edition prize, just something like once a month etc. And hey the nice thing, they are free awesome pictures of your game that you can then use as marketing materials to gain more followers.

Re: Christmas Event has been announced

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 9:04 pm
by Oct
if theres a mount like there was for halloween maybe it could be either a sled or a reindeer

Re: Christmas Event has been announced

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 9:20 pm
by Drizzt
Santa hat
Elf hat green
Ride on reindeer instead of broom
Ice sword us mages had the wand last time
Boss / Titan drop Green armour like the one the conart archers use warriors had armour last time Maybe with added ice damage
Snowball launcher as novilty item pumpkin wand is a lot of fun

Most important thing I think should be snow all over grass

Re: Christmas Event has been announced

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 9:33 pm
by jayton202
I would like to see a Frosty the snowman helmet. It could look like Jack in the box head except with a cooler looking top hat.