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The ToeSTUPIDians

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 6:47 am
by Infinity
So I was looking around the forums and came across mabon and this clan called the toestidians or something like that ( you cant miss them ) well anyways.. There clan leader has a HUGE ego problem, I was just letting everyone know that if your new to the game you should probably STAY AWAY from that world and clan. They are the thugs of CH... Feel free to leave there leader some constructive criticism on how to tone it down a notch, I know I have left him some feadback, I'm sure he loves what I had to say.

Re: The ToeSTUPIDians

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 4:15 pm
by Deucaleon
Sometimes I wonder about you Infinity. At least stick to your own world, clan, and business!

Re: The ToeSTUPIDians

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 4:20 pm
by concretemech
Haha, I know right? look at the world forums, he flooded every single one. The thing that makes this kid extra funny is A). He spells like he's , and B). he is complaining about taeo, when he's going around bugging people in servers that his clan isn't even in. Infinity has become a joke for some of us. We say things like "oh no! infinity just threatened our clan! lets give up and follow them! clearly they are powerful, he posted in EVERY FORUM!"

Re: The ToeSTUPIDians

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 4:20 pm
by admin
OK going to lock this now so it doesn't turn into a big argument thread.
