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The truth behind making bosses harder

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 11:15 pm
by 248874
The reason why otm have maded all the bosses harder is so u guys can spend more money on idols and pots ect. Yeah,think about buying pot/idols off of someone else before using your money to buy idols/pots/elixers/resto

Re: The truth behind making bosses harder

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 11:54 pm
by rogue29
Yes, obviously. I agree. I don't know what to expect from this game as far as future changes so I refuse to spend another dollar. I would advise you all to do the same thing until this game proves it can do something and stick with it.

The harder boss thing really was the last straw for me to not spend anymore.

Re: The truth behind making bosses harder

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 12:20 am
by admin
This statement is almost 100% opposite from the goals of the game design.

Bosses are there to give a challenge to engaged players, part of the challenge is to create clans and groups that are balanced and able to take on difficult enemies. Really we would much rather potions and idols were not used during boss fights so players could face a genuine challenge, but since this isn't possible we have added timers that limit how many can be consumed in order to keep things from being trivial.

I'll repeat, bosses exist to challenge and reward engaged players. Some players play very often and so need a very difficult challenge. Others play much less and need easier challenges, hence the wide variety of bosses in existence. Bosses do not exist to generate revenue.

Re: The truth behind making bosses harder

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 12:27 am
by rogue29
This statement is almost 100% opposite from the goals of the game is design.

Bosses are there to give a challenge to engaged players, part of the challenge is to create clans and groups that are balanced and able to take on difficult enemies. Really we would much rather potions and idols were not used during boss fights so players could face a genuine challenge, but since this isn't possible we have added timers that limit how many can be consumed in order to keep things from being trivial.

I'll repeat, bosses exist to challenge and reward engaged players. Some players play very often and so need a very difficult challenge. Others play much less and need easier challenges, hence the wide variety of bosses in existence. Bosses do not exist to generate revenue.
Well, my clan is #3 in our world and we have to get all our highest level people on just to kill all-seeing. We are talking lvl's 120-160. We were just starting to get some sizable bosses down before the update in the OTW, but now we are back to square 1 and have trouble with all seeing. This is where the problem comes in, we were starting to be able to stand on our own now we can't even crawl. This boss change really has pulled the rug out from under a lot of established clans like mine.
My approximation is that enraged kills genuine strong attempts at a boss 10x more than preventing someone from locking and holding a boss. I don't know why 30 minutes on enraged would be too long.

Re: The truth behind making bosses harder

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 12:33 am
by admin
Hi the rage timer exists partly to add some tension to the boss encounters but mainly to encourage balanced raid groups, giving dps classes a role in the boss encounters.

Re: The truth behind making bosses harder

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 12:35 am
by The Aggronator
Really we would much rather potions and idols were not used during boss fights
If this was true are you guys planning on adding ways to get idols and potions in game without platinum?

Re: The truth behind making bosses harder

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 12:36 am
by admin
Yes we're looking into it for crafting, however the stronger and more balanced your group the less potions and idols you need.

Re: The truth behind making bosses harder

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 12:50 am
by rogue29
Hi the rage timer exists partly to add some tension to the boss encounters but mainly to encourage balanced raid groups, giving dps classes a role in the boss encounters.
We have a few DPS 30 levels above the level of the boss and a few DPS at the level of the boss and it still isn't enough. I ask for you to be sorry for us but I can't even imagine a well balanced group the actual level of the boss trying to take down any boss. They would get wiped out instantly.

Re: The truth behind making bosses harder

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 12:53 am
by pigman
Hi the rage timer exists partly to add some tension to the boss encounters but mainly to encourage balanced raid groups, giving dps classes a role in the boss encounters.
We have a few DPS 30 levels above the level of the boss and a few DPS at the level of the boss and it still isn't enough. I ask for you to be sorry for us but I can't even imagine a well balanced group the actual level of the boss trying to take down any boss. They would get wiped out instantly.

afaik, all the new bosses are meant to be done in multiple groups

Re: The truth behind making bosses harder

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 12:59 am
by anglzfury
I took out Grommack today and the Swamplord a few days ago with pretty decent groups. They didn't give us much trouble.
No one in the group for Grommack was 160 or above and we killed it in like 10 minutes maybe.

I don't think they're too hard after all the patches...