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Offhand options in non-lux shops for casters

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 6:14 am
by Maxxee
So i just posted on a topic about lux shop offhands and in posting it it got me thinking about the fact that there are no real offhands available in game, outside of the lux shop, for casters. Im speaking of the flint, opal, adamant etc... They do have offhands for certain classes. I believe they have shields for warriors and offhand daggers for rogues. Not sure about rangers though. My question is, why are there no offhand purchases, outside of lux, for the caster classes, mages and druids? We do have the option for a two-handed staff as druids but the benefit from it is horrible to a one-handed weapon and offhand. Why couldn't we get a non-lux offhand that gave us a bonus to focus and vit, like the rest of the armor, or a bonus to nature, ice, or fire magic? Why were our offhands left out?

Re: Offhand options in non-lux shops for casters

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 6:54 am
by Croquette
I agree with this

Re: Offhand options in non-lux shops for casters

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 7:20 am
by Godzilla
Another rant to add to my extending list of druid problems...

Find it here ... =4&t=35117

It is ridiculous what druids have become...

Re: Offhand options in non-lux shops for casters

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 7:34 am
by Toreth Druid
i agree and godzilla this is on about non lux offhands for casters not lux offhands