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Some Ranting

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 9:14 pm
by xKingRealz
K so, I'm gonna go out in direct and say, why do you remove names or pictures for scamming? If there is a scammer I want to know who it is and what they are doing. If they scammed, they should have their account locked. Because as I see it, everytime someone usses support they usually just say 'Please block or ignore', Yeah because that's going to make me feel better. Someone please explain to me why the staff/support do this.

Re: Some Ranting

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 9:31 pm
by FrostKnight
Saying who it is= person reads it= makes new account= on the run= scam fest= chaos= now no idea who he is

Re: Some Ranting

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 9:36 pm
by I'mdead
Support does this because it's naming and shaming which is part of the forums rules and to prevent a scammer accusing a non-scammer for scamming, flaming or whatever.

Re: Some Ranting

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 9:51 pm
by Solid
To prevent random arse from accusing innocent players.

Re: Some Ranting

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 11:25 pm
by mdimarco
+1 to the OP. Since when has it been OK to censor presented data or facts?

Re: Some Ranting

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 3:03 am
by Dersu
I like the fact that they don't allow names to be left in posts accusing scammers.

The fact is that a statement or a picture posted by a user doesn't prove anything, and can also lead to false perceptions of a player. The only way to verify the scammer is for OTM to do it through their end.

Forum names, character names, worlds... they are easily mistaken or misused.

It would be very easy for someone to create a character named after a forum user with some cred. They scam by using the trust gained on the forums.

If someone starts accusing me of scamming them because a character named Dersu talked them into giving them something due to a claim that "I'm testing out this world, can you help me out a bit?" well then that is going to have an effect on my reputation.

Of course I can say it wasn't me, but it is better that my name not even be dragged into the mud. OTM can verify on their end the likeliness of it being me or not. But by that time the damage has been done.

Re: Some Ranting

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 3:11 am
by Dersu
Since when has it been OK to censor presented data or facts?
It's common in most legal systems in 1st world countries. There are often gag orders placed on the media, and investigators can't go blogging about what they find. We are the reading public... not the jury. Even within the courts certain evidence is deemed inadmissible, so it is a form of censorship.

Conversely, it is quite common that by going out and claiming someone has done you wrong before they have been found guilty of a crime, that you would be slapped with a counter-suit for defamation of character, slander, or libel.