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ability scores

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 12:04 am
by Deadwood
How do you raise ability scores quicker? sometimes i will use my sword and the slashing ability goes up several points in a matter of minutes and other times i will get one point every half hour....?

Re: ability scores

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 12:14 am
by Death
Abilities are based on the number of times you can hit a target. So find the fastest hitting weapon you can (usually a very low level weapon - check the beach vendor) along with a low hitting weapon (which is why I recommend beach). I say low hitting because its more of a lazy approach - if you attack a target and hit it quickly but do low damage, you can use that 1 target to get tons of hits and bump up your ability rather then using an ancient weapon to 2 hit it and run to the next enemy. Also, ability points are random - they are not consistent. They are not so random that you will go a day without getting one, but sometimes you'll get 5 in a row and sometimes 1 will be stubborn and take a while. The higher level you become, the harder they get, but only slightly.

P.S. - They do have elixirs to greatly increase the rate in which you gain ability, if you didn't already know.
I hope that helps a bit!

Re: ability scores

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 12:18 am
by Indira
How do you raise ability scores quicker? sometimes i will use my sword and the slashing ability goes up several points in a matter of minutes and other times i will get one point every half hour....?
I kept my shoreline sword...the fastest one and use haste gloves, heroic is best if u havent yet bought the regular one. The more u swing your sword, the faster your weapon ability is raised. Weapon ability goes up faster at lower levels. But it gets slower/longer as you level up higher. Just use melee often to raise them.

Re: ability scores

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 3:23 pm
by Eljay
Super Wisdom Elixer - I believe they are 8 plat a piece or you can get a deal.. 64 for ten or something..