Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Taranis Family

Hey ya guys! I wanted share you, that world Taranis is a beautiful world and very peaceful. Clans are always glad to help each other. As you can see we all waiting for a huge event dragon! All are happy and cheerful! Visit our world and u will be happy!
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Re: Taranis Family

Why is there a snowman head on that rogues crotch?!?! :)
Did u do tht just to make me try to find it forever or is there honestly one in the pic??
There is :D Look at the guy beside fr3gryf (SledgeRogue) And btw that ugly yellow boggan is me :P :D
Firefury360 - Lvl191+ Ranger
Drake007 - Lvl191+ Rogue
World - Taranis
Proud member of Aeon

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