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Necro looks as he was killed by rosmerta. MUST SEE
Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 4:21 pm
by Feleon
Looks like rosmerta has come on top again. As most of you know, i recently quit the game it sinply just got boring to me and i was an outcast on my world. I tried moving servers but was still no fun. So the other day i hopped on my old toon (derkus) to say hi to some friends and whatnot. I thought hey necro must have been killed by now because my friend told me they nerfed him. But i didnt believe him because of how far away people were when i quit. I poped a travel to go see for myself and it looks as it is the truth. Amazing. Only no forum post guys? Why?! There must be a reason but i felt the need to let the community know. Already a outcast and as i have quit it doesnt matter to me if you hate me for this post. Necro was killed by rosmerta. If you dont believe me look for yourself. Make a lvl 1 buy a travel and invisi pots and check it out. This is no troll even added a ss to proove. History made.
Re: Necro looks as he was killed by rosmerta. MUST SEE
Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 4:51 pm
by Robert
It's true.
I wonder how many idols it took.
Re: Necro looks as he was killed by rosmerta. MUST SEE
Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 4:53 pm
by TehGuyGaming
If Necro was killed Wow! And how and why no posts about this?
Re: Necro looks as he was killed by rosmerta. MUST SEE
Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 5:14 pm
by Candies
Oh dang.. I wanna see the drops..
Re: Necro looks as he was killed by rosmerta. MUST SEE
Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 5:18 pm
by Bing!
They most likely used the bug and dont want publicity. Please redo your necromancer OTM.
Re: Necro looks as he was killed by rosmerta. MUST SEE
Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 5:29 pm
by Robert
They most likely used the bug and dont want publicity. Please redo your necromancer OTM.
Maybe the priestess bug?
Re: Necro looks as he was killed by rosmerta. MUST SEE
Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 5:32 pm
by DontHate
There isnt posted anything on forums about it.
If it was really killed as first i would expect at least someone to post something
Re: Necro looks as he was killed by rosmerta. MUST SEE
Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 5:42 pm
by Feleon
Im obviously not 100% sure. But every time they posted about a first ever kill ( aggy, hrug, mord and now necro) they always got mad hate. Because they have been the first to kill all 4 end game bosses, everyone is jelly. Also, maybe they used a specific strat that they dont want anyone else to spy on them and use for themselves. Thats my best guess idk why else, would assume they would want to gloat.
Re: Necro looks as he was killed by rosmerta. MUST SEE
Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 5:48 pm
by Robert
Im obviously not 100% sure. But every time they posted about a first ever kill ( aggy, hrug, mord and now necro) they always got mad hate. Because they have been the first to kill all 4 end game bosses, everyone is jelly. Also, maybe they used a specific strat that they dont want anyone else to spy on them and use for themselves. Thats my best guess idk why else, would assume they would want to gloat.
Oh right, and their first Hrungnir kill they used a bug, their Mordris kill they used a bug...
Also, their first Hrungnir kill dropped 'awesome' loot that they couldn't show...
Re: Necro looks as he was killed by rosmerta. MUST SEE
Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 7:29 pm
by ThyraUnited
Love how people cannot just be proud someone killed and always accuse them of cheating.