as a name, would server be, TheServer,AServer,Server
(im trying to have server as name, not trying to create a sentence like: the server is op or anything)
Server (Which article) Zero article or The article or A arti
#1World--> Rhiannon/Crom/Herne/Lugh
Lvl--> 112(Full Meteoric)101(Full Astral)86(Full Warden)87(Full Warden)63(unfathomable)93(Full Warden)80(Full Warden)
I Am A Druid/Warrior/Rogue/Mage
Lvl--> 112(Full Meteoric)101(Full Astral)86(Full Warden)87(Full Warden)63(unfathomable)93(Full Warden)80(Full Warden)
I Am A Druid/Warrior/Rogue/Mage