Should next update bosses have predictable spawn times?
#1Just want opinions. Theres too much camping according to many opinions i hear. Makes true grinding impossable. It also makes it painfully slow or impossable to catch a better equipped rival clan (example :cant get ur dl wepons when a clan where everybody already has them or better is ffa'ing you at snorrl). Way i see to fix this is to get rid of timed spawns come the next update, like was done with falgern (was 1 hour till ow came out and provided a fun little war but things have changed alot since then). Old bosses could still be timed to keep things moving at a good rate. The way it is now metioric bosses are so close ppl have full met the day they hit the requirement and frozen bosses are so random and spaced out now that many ppl have waited months to get one more crest. Timed spawns on DL bosses this past update made it so once u got a few wepons u could shut out any other clan and just snowball, which ruins the competitive spirit of many clans. New bosses should be random and found by some lucky person roaming through an area, antiquated bosses need to be somewhat timed so it keeps ppl moving upwards in a timely fashion.
Last edited by Airrius on Sat May 17, 2014 9:56 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Airrius 225 tank
TheGreenMan 216 druid
Balgair 221 rogue
Velocity 200 rogue
Iolo 225 ranger
Alistar 215 mage
Divym 223 mage
TheGreenMan 216 druid
Balgair 221 rogue
Velocity 200 rogue
Iolo 225 ranger
Alistar 215 mage
Divym 223 mage