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Should next update bosses have predictable spawn times?

Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 9:25 pm
by Airrius
Just want opinions. Theres too much camping according to many opinions i hear. Makes true grinding impossable. It also makes it painfully slow or impossable to catch a better equipped rival clan (example :cant get ur dl wepons when a clan where everybody already has them or better is ffa'ing you at snorrl). Way i see to fix this is to get rid of timed spawns come the next update, like was done with falgern (was 1 hour till ow came out and provided a fun little war but things have changed alot since then). Old bosses could still be timed to keep things moving at a good rate. The way it is now metioric bosses are so close ppl have full met the day they hit the requirement and frozen bosses are so random and spaced out now that many ppl have waited months to get one more crest. Timed spawns on DL bosses this past update made it so once u got a few wepons u could shut out any other clan and just snowball, which ruins the competitive spirit of many clans. New bosses should be random and found by some lucky person roaming through an area, antiquated bosses need to be somewhat timed so it keeps ppl moving upwards in a timely fashion.

Re: Should the predictable spawn times for DL be changed?

Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 9:41 pm
by malky70
It is too clockwork. It's not even camping - more like hanging around to catch the 1:30 train. Not so much a quest as a timetable book.
A bit more randomness all over would be good. Or - and this is my pref - make the armour quests all work in a similar way to the meteoric weapon one. As in, an actual quest/storyline, rather than "ffa boss x and hope to heck te right colour falls *this* time".

Re: Should next update bosses have predictable spawn times?

Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 10:15 pm
by CH45E
There is this one ass on my world that uses 9 accounts all of which are 100-180 and he camps many bosses and gets locks in numbers

Re: Should next update bosses have predictable spawn times?

Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 12:10 am
by SirJecht
I agree. It makes it impossible for clans without 100-200 active players to get a chance at a boss. Also, it's pretty impossible for anyone outsode the top 1-2 clans of each server to get any bosses. The same 10 ppl just camp all day cus they know exactly when each boss spawn is.

Re: Should next update bosses have predictable spawn times?

Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 1:48 am
by LittleG
Random spawn timer wont solve actually. Example if the boss spawn between now till next 3 hours, these 9devices in 1 person will still standing there whole day 24/7 to lock it in sec;) these ppl are true gamer, and ofcoz not all of us got their 24/7 free time:) as many of us need work and hv own family outing ;)

So IMO to solve this quest (i meant QUEST boss, every player need it not that particular person;) boss hoarders onethumb could just random spawn them like in random cave in carrowmore so these particular stingy no life camper even they can random make 1alt there camp but if BOSS up he need to rush their 8 alts to that cave, so does us calling ppl to that cave but at least we can make some competition rather they 9 in 1 group stay in a place;)

Re: Should next update bosses have predictable spawn times?

Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 2:19 am
by Airrius
I like the random spawn point but then you wouldnt get the same adds. Not entirly bad for most ppl but it does cut out some difficulty and tactics. Maybe 3-4 spawn points and always have the 6* spawn at one and 5* and 4* spawn at one to three of the other points each time. Have which * spawns at each one be random but not the time maybe.

Re: Should next update bosses have predictable spawn times?

Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 10:26 am
by LittleG
Game is programmable:)

If they listen and take this random area of spawn and also together with the random timer, they could just plant 6stars adds spawn everytime together with their master:)

But hopefully they acknowledge this idea to prevent monopolize the quest boss drops and also the equally boss doable among players not just by few selfish and arrogant top clans

Re: Should next update bosses have predictable spawn times?

Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 6:20 pm
by brian777
As stated random spawn times wouldnt fix anything, as the top clans camp now, they will just camp the random spawns anyway so it wouldn't give smaller clans any advantage, just force larger clans to waste more time on it. What would be interesting if they made 2-3 spawn points of the same boss but in completly different areas so that people would be forced to split between the different points. Would add a lot of strategy to the game

Re: Should next update bosses have predictable spawn times?

Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 9:12 pm
by Airrius
In my last post i ment that they could have the 3 or 4 spawn points in different areas and have what spawned at each be random but have all points be spawned at each time with a guarantee of a 6* at at least one of the 4. (In case of confusion over what i ment)

Re: Should next update bosses have predictable spawn times?

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 3:39 am
by An actual ranger
There is this one ass on my world that uses 9 accounts all of which are 100-180 and he camps many bosses and gets locks in numbers
Dude, how does he afford 9 devices. And how do u play on 9 devices at the same time.