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Celtic Heroes Craigslist

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 7:51 am
by xhollywood93
Hey guys, we all know how much fun it is to sit on your fancy little mount and shout every 20 seconds, "Buying Heroic Ammy".... NOT!!

Look i had mentioned last year a trading area type deal, you can read that post here ( ... =6&t=23037)
But for now until that happens, I would like to set up some sort of website/forum where people can post up each item they are selling or buying. Like a classified page. Of course each world has there own, and there are categories and a search option so finding something would be easy.

For example, I have a basic 80% mount for sale, and I want to buy an heroic ammy. i go on select my world (morrigan) and then post what I'm selling. Then i could go back and view all the items being sold and by who. I could search for the ammy, find Rambo has one listed for 160k, i now can go into the game and send him a message.


Think of all the time you won't be waisting...WHAT WILL YOU DO!?!?!?!?!

lol anyone agree?

Re: Celtic Heroes Craigslist

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 7:53 am
by spynu
Groupie app many use to do virtually same thing

Re: Celtic Heroes Craigslist

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 8:03 am
by xhollywood93
Groupie app many use to do virtually same thing
not everyone has access or knows about it. people will still be shouting if they feel not enough people will see their post.
i want 1 site, 1 spot to post and view that is supported by CH, or at least everyone trusts to use.

Re: Celtic Heroes Craigslist

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 8:22 am
by Yilley
This is already possible by using the forums just post in ur own world section what ur buying or selling. Before replying saying not everyone uses the forums and not everyone posts they are buy/selling items this fact wont change with a dedicated site for it. In the end everyone wont use the same website to buy and sell items even if one is available so just use the forums and post in ur own world section. You can also search ur world section for all items being sold by using the advance search and selecting exactly what section of the forums u want to search. Eventually we will be getting an in game auction house which will be the best way to buy and sell items.

Re: Celtic Heroes Craigslist

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 8:39 am
by Kevs
do you think I can buy children?

Re: Celtic Heroes Craigslist

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 3:53 pm
by Chelseam2
Might as well use groupie. I mean if a lot of people do not look at forums then why would they look there? It would have an even smaller general amount of people.

Re: Celtic Heroes Craigslist

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 4:00 pm
by Mangotime
Hey guys, we all know how much fun it is to sit on your fancy little mount and shout every 20 seconds, "Buying Heroic Ammy".... NOT!!

Look i had mentioned last year a trading area type deal, you can read that post here ( ... =6&t=23037)
But for now until that happens, I would like to set up some sort of website/forum where people can post up each item they are selling or buying. Like a classified page. Of course each world has there own, and there are categories and a search option so finding something would be easy.

For example, I have a basic 80% mount for sale, and I want to buy an heroic ammy. i go on select my world (morrigan) and then post what I'm selling. Then i could go back and view all the items being sold and by who. I could search for the ammy, find Rambo has one listed for 160k, i now can go into the game and send him a message.


Think of all the time you won't be waisting...WHAT WILL YOU DO!?!?!?!?!

lol anyone agree?
waht sucks about this is that i am in that exact situation. im buying a 80 staff and selling hero ammy :P wrong world lol

Re: Celtic Heroes Craigslist

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 4:10 pm
by Jonsa
I suggest just using world forums, as I believe your idea is quite similar to what we do, post, wait for reply... Sold/Bought.

Re: Celtic Heroes Craigslist

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 4:17 pm
by Acebow
World Forums and a CH Craiglist won't work because only a small percentage of a server would and does actually visit these sites.

There just needs to be an Auction house in-game. Put in your item, set a price. Search up an items and buy it for a price. These prices woul be based on the server's normal prices as they are set by players themselves.

Some might argue that high levels will just buy everything, but whats stopping them from doing so now?

Re: Celtic Heroes Craigslist

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 4:18 pm
by Alphachicken
Just use groupie if you cant get app go to and thats it make sure its not thats a sexy website.