New clan... Now what's the plan?
Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 3:21 pm
I've launched a new clan. I believe it has a good clan name (Medieval) and clan message. Recruitment has just begun. The following is the clan message:
***** Medieval ***** *Clan created: 7/9/14* *Launch date of Medieval and beginning of clan recruitment: 7/29/14* *REQUIRED READING: Read the clan message of Medieval in its entirety.* *Medieval is the less traveled road. It is for the patient. It is for those who work, putting in time and effort independently. You cannot expect levels and gold to come easily or quickly. It is required that you be willing to work independently to become strong so that as a clan, we will be powerful.* *Medieval is not here to hold your hand and baby you. Please don't get angry if another clan member is busy doing something and unable to drop everything to come help you fight a boss upon your demand. Although at times beneficial, forming a group within the clan or with others is not required for you to level up or acquire gold. No clan member within Medieval is to be frowned upon if unable to help a fellow clan member due to the pursuit of a personal goal.* *Being in a clan in Celtic Heroes involves both clan and individual goals. With the chat feature built into Celtic Heroes, you are never alone. With that said, how active Medieval is depends upon you. You are the clan. There's nothing stopping any clansman from forming any group with anyone at anytime.* *The goal is not to have strength in numbers. The goal is to have individual strength from each member who has proven his or her self, to be combined into a formidable group.* *Your duty now is to level up. Much of your gaining levels will be done solo. But, feel free to form groups with fellow clansmen or others. Your secondary duty is to work towards increasing recruitment. Only a Guardian (Level 50+) or the Chieftain can invite a potential recruit into the clan. So, be working toward getting to level 50+ in order for you to have the authority to invite new members into the clan. Before you reach level 50, any interested in joining the clan will need to be brought to the attention of a fellow clansman who has the authority to invite new members into our clan. We are especially looking for new clansmen that are level 50+ to increase recruitment and the strength of our clan.* *To all recruiters: It is MANDATORY that all new clan members read the clan message before anything else. New clan members need to see the vision of this clan for them to decide if they want to be a clansman of Medieval. All recruiters must insist that new members completely read the clan message.* *Do not be surprised if Medieval is ever a clan of low membership. Many will not be willing to grow strong independently due to a desire for instant gratification. No offense will be taken if you decide this clan is not for you. Simply leave the clan with our best wishes.* *The closing of this clan message shows the strict ranking guidelines. These guidelines are in place so that your rank means something.* *Ranking Guidelines: Recruit: Levels 1- 24 / Clansmen: Levels 25-49 / Guardian: Levels 50+ / Chieftain: RABII*
I take the starting of Medieval seriously and have great pride in the clan. As Chieftain, I don't want to let Medieval or it's clansmen down. As of now, the goal is to recruit and level up. I know that many high level clansmen within the clan are needed for the clan to be taken seriously.
The thing is, once the initial goal is met, then what? I know that clansmen who are at high levels command respect for both the clan and themselves. That's one benefit. I know that high level clansmen get together to defeat powerful bosses. Beyond that, I have no vision to provide to the clan. Longer-term vision.
I've heard of some people (all newer players) speak of building a strong clan to engage in clan wars. I've not seen a clan war in the game and am not sure if they exist. If clan wars do exist, I'm not sure how to go about that goal.
I need guidance and advice. I need to establish a long-term vision. I owe my clansmen future goals in addition to the initial goal of building a strong clan.
Please help me to not fail Medieval or its clansmen.
Thankyou for taking the time to read and please advise with your input.
***** Medieval ***** *Clan created: 7/9/14* *Launch date of Medieval and beginning of clan recruitment: 7/29/14* *REQUIRED READING: Read the clan message of Medieval in its entirety.* *Medieval is the less traveled road. It is for the patient. It is for those who work, putting in time and effort independently. You cannot expect levels and gold to come easily or quickly. It is required that you be willing to work independently to become strong so that as a clan, we will be powerful.* *Medieval is not here to hold your hand and baby you. Please don't get angry if another clan member is busy doing something and unable to drop everything to come help you fight a boss upon your demand. Although at times beneficial, forming a group within the clan or with others is not required for you to level up or acquire gold. No clan member within Medieval is to be frowned upon if unable to help a fellow clan member due to the pursuit of a personal goal.* *Being in a clan in Celtic Heroes involves both clan and individual goals. With the chat feature built into Celtic Heroes, you are never alone. With that said, how active Medieval is depends upon you. You are the clan. There's nothing stopping any clansman from forming any group with anyone at anytime.* *The goal is not to have strength in numbers. The goal is to have individual strength from each member who has proven his or her self, to be combined into a formidable group.* *Your duty now is to level up. Much of your gaining levels will be done solo. But, feel free to form groups with fellow clansmen or others. Your secondary duty is to work towards increasing recruitment. Only a Guardian (Level 50+) or the Chieftain can invite a potential recruit into the clan. So, be working toward getting to level 50+ in order for you to have the authority to invite new members into the clan. Before you reach level 50, any interested in joining the clan will need to be brought to the attention of a fellow clansman who has the authority to invite new members into our clan. We are especially looking for new clansmen that are level 50+ to increase recruitment and the strength of our clan.* *To all recruiters: It is MANDATORY that all new clan members read the clan message before anything else. New clan members need to see the vision of this clan for them to decide if they want to be a clansman of Medieval. All recruiters must insist that new members completely read the clan message.* *Do not be surprised if Medieval is ever a clan of low membership. Many will not be willing to grow strong independently due to a desire for instant gratification. No offense will be taken if you decide this clan is not for you. Simply leave the clan with our best wishes.* *The closing of this clan message shows the strict ranking guidelines. These guidelines are in place so that your rank means something.* *Ranking Guidelines: Recruit: Levels 1- 24 / Clansmen: Levels 25-49 / Guardian: Levels 50+ / Chieftain: RABII*
I take the starting of Medieval seriously and have great pride in the clan. As Chieftain, I don't want to let Medieval or it's clansmen down. As of now, the goal is to recruit and level up. I know that many high level clansmen within the clan are needed for the clan to be taken seriously.
The thing is, once the initial goal is met, then what? I know that clansmen who are at high levels command respect for both the clan and themselves. That's one benefit. I know that high level clansmen get together to defeat powerful bosses. Beyond that, I have no vision to provide to the clan. Longer-term vision.
I've heard of some people (all newer players) speak of building a strong clan to engage in clan wars. I've not seen a clan war in the game and am not sure if they exist. If clan wars do exist, I'm not sure how to go about that goal.
I need guidance and advice. I need to establish a long-term vision. I owe my clansmen future goals in addition to the initial goal of building a strong clan.
Please help me to not fail Medieval or its clansmen.
Thankyou for taking the time to read and please advise with your input.