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Has AFK'ing Been Destroyed?

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 3:34 pm
Last night I was training in Crookback and noticed a rogue run past me and plant himself on a spawn point of a level 9 mob (he was 19). I then moved further in and kileed mob after mob for a while. When I came back to the area of the rogue I found his corpse and just the level 9 mob. I thought a pat may have come through so I waited for 10 minutes or so and there was only the one mob. I shrugged it off and kept training.

Then I moved on to the catacombs (I think thats the area in the graveyard) and saw a level 41 warrior afk'ing where the 4 star named mobs spawn. When one spawned I watched it kill him (it took forever). Has AFK'ing been removed or did I witness two flukes in an evening?

Re: Has AFK'ing Been Destroyed?

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 4:39 am
by Troll4Life
Probaly a fluke, unless u have really good gear, players wil die real quick if their less then 20 lvls higher then the mobs they afk at( nd dpending on the amount of mobs in the area)

Re: Has AFK'ing Been Destroyed?

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 7:02 am
by gaztplymouth
i have noticed it my self, when i go to make a drink and come back and there are mobs attacking me and im just standing there with out attacking just getting killed,

ive seen it happen to other players, its very rear but probably once every 2/3 hours it happens to me when i afk if not my connection blips and kicks me out of game even tho i have wifi and it never blips :D

Re: Has AFK'ing Been Destroyed?

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 1:49 pm
by quidproquo135
actually i have seen this to. It has happened to me as well. What is most likely happening is that they have something or someone selected because i found my char will not attack ppl back if i have some other person (not a mob but a real player) selected. :D

Re: Has AFK'ing Been Destroyed?

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 3:18 pm
by Tcrebeiro

I believe it is there goal to fix afk'ing and that they have done so in the last update. From what my buddies and I can tell you can still afk but after about a half hour your auto attack turns off and you will no longer fight back. Some of you may think this sucks but I for one like it as you actually require being online to kill stuff for the most part now.

Re: Has AFK'ing Been Destroyed?

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 4:09 pm
by Steebo
I have this issue too where i get killed after a while of non-keyboard activity - which i can see pro's and cons for...

pro's - keeps server clean for active players
cons - difficult to make gold quick, for those lux shop

I do AFK, but actually agree that it should be removed from the game... eek I've said it.. sorry.

Re: Has AFK'ing Been Destroyed?

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 1:17 pm
by kolare
I have this issue too where i get killed after a while of non-keyboard activity - which i can see pro's and cons for...

pro's - keeps server clean for active players
cons - difficult to make gold quick, for those lux shop

I do AFK, but actually agree that it should be removed from the game... eek I've said it.. sorry.
I afk to and I agree it should be removed but it is the best way to upgrade abilitys without buying plat