I don't personally like the idea of the idol nerf, but I haven't dug deeply into the issue to see why it was recommended.
My question is:
Is it accurate to say that the majority of "idol-nerf proponents" are members of power-house clans?
Again, I haven't followed this issue closely, but a quick glance at some of the threads implied that this might be the case.
The reason I ask...
When in a powerful clan, you can kill pretty much anything, thanks to numbers and the careful coordination that comes with a mature, well-built clan. I would also venture a guess that hundreds of rez-fests were part of the developmental history of these clans. Many bosses likely wouldn't have been killed nearly as early on if idols had been nerfed when these clans were in their earlier developmental stages.
For weaker clans that aspire to catch up to the more powerful clans on their world, it's already a tough uphill battle to try to catch up to clans with superior gear.
My suggestion is that the idol nerf would have a much more dramatic affect on weaker clans than on the most powerful clans of each world.
The powerful clans can absorb this change without a lot of added pain.
The weaker clans however will now have a much steeper hill to climb.
*Raises gloves*
Question about the Rez Idol Nerf Debate
#1Kril - Chief Editor, The Dal Riata Enquirer
lev 228 Rogue - Gwydion
Clan Relentless
Give a man a flame, you warm him for a day.
Set a man aflame, you warm him for the rest of his life.
lev 228 Rogue - Gwydion
Clan Relentless
Give a man a flame, you warm him for a day.
Set a man aflame, you warm him for the rest of his life.