Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: 8x the xp

It doesn't stack... Only way u can get xp that is more than 5x is with heroic or super know with a xp charm...
All chicken we're created equal
U disrespect chicken I disrespect u

- chieftain of lazy drunks
- 223 Dg ranger


Re: 8x the xp

It doesn't stack... Only way u can get xp that is more than 5x is with heroic or super know with a xp charm...
I've tried with a xp pendant. Haven't noticed a difference.
184 Druid
205 Rogue
120 Ranger
201 Warrior
90 Mage

Re: 8x the xp

It doesn't stack... Only way u can get xp that is more than 5x is with heroic or super know with a xp charm...
One of my friends once owned a 20% xp charm, i had asked him about it and he said it didnt stack with xps
World - Lugh
Furyion - 192 Ice Mage
Stonelord - 100 PvP Warrior
Lavalord - 60 PvP Warrior
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Re: 8x the xp

There was only time when you could gain over 5x the experience is when they did a double xp event and you could use an elixer to stack on the double xp event. They havent done it again since update 3.
Druid 180+ Debinosuke
Rogue 150+ Kartier
Ranger 70 Kartier2
Mage 60 Kartier3
Warrior 35 Kartier4

Clan: Soulsignited
World: Crom

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Re: 8x the xp

if you used a sk and a sc (if they stacked) itd be 16x not 8x because 4*4=16 not 8
Why would they multiply each other?
Rogue 166 - Ghostbro
Ranger 126 - Acebow
Warrior 85 - Ghostwar


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