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Update 5????

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 11:46 pm
by Scoutshooter
So right now OTM is working on releaseing the new engine on ios. So i was wondering how long it will take for the new content. For all I know the new engine will only add more animations and better graphics but how about content? And also balancing. Will update 5 also be a long wait or is OTM working on update 5 too. And will it come before 2015 or early 2015 because there's not much to do in game. :|

Re: Update 5????

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 5:52 am
by Aileron
Base on their release patterns, I think May 2015 would be a good bet.

Re: Update 5????

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 8:53 am
by WarSage
Base on their release patterns, I think May 2015 would be a good bet.

Yep i think Ail is right on that one, may-June would be a safe bet, dont forgot..halloween event is out soon so it'll give you something to do ;)