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Good gold farming spots for me?
Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 9:35 am
by ProEpicWarr
I am a HYBRID level 58 warrior,currently farming gold in dustwither catacombs for the Stonevale axe then probably gonna get rupture or gonna start saving for the warden 4/5 set.I am really not sure where am I supposed to farm gold at the moment and at level 60-100.Need some of your help guys!
Re: Good gold farming spots for me?
Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 9:50 am
by ProEpicWarr
If you think I should get a different weapon then post in the comments.I red somewhere that it is better to save for the flint handaxe but idk /:
Re: Good gold farming spots for me?
Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 9:59 am
by Conjurer
I think you should focus on leveling to level 70, Join a good clan that might help you get some warden gear by providing you with some disc fragments.
After you have decent gear you should farm areas like fingals cave, join in small bossfights (such as level 50 event boss).
I can't really help you because my only priority was getting to at least level 100 (with the help of my awesome clan which provided me with full warden and even meteroic armor).
Save your money, that axe isn't worth it unless you are decked out with lux and such.
Save up for a heroic or golden amulet of rejuv, or even a golden trident. this will help you because you can use your stat point on other things instead of focus.
Re: Good gold farming spots for me?
Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 10:33 am
by ProEpicWarr
I am actually getting 2k per day from dustwither catacombs XD so I will get the heroic amulet of rejuvenation in about...2 months and 27 days or so lol
Re: Good gold farming spots for me?
Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 10:35 am
by ProEpicWarr
Or i might buy it from someone else for 100 k or 120 k...
Re: Good gold farming spots for me?
Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 12:30 pm
by Bitey
I think you should focus on leveling to level 70
I agree. Some of the best gold you can get at that level is by grinding out levels and selling all the junk you get to the vendor. Take a look at this guide: ... 1-100.html
it is my recommendations of where to level up at.
You are at a tough level to be at for leveling though. The best xp you can get is from fairies, and those loredancers are a huge pain! The other alternative is to grind out some levels at the top of the castle at shalemont until level 60. the added bonus of leveling there is you can keep an eye on Atrisal the Invincible to see if he spawns. Then you can move onto the blue wisps in stonevale which are much easier than fairies.
Re: Good gold farming spots for me?
Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 4:02 pm
by MarcusD
farm silks I make 400 gold per minute.
Re: Good gold farming spots for me?
Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 9:25 pm
by ProEpicWarr
Well when I will be at level 61 all my useful skills will be maxed out.I don't even have a full set of ancient scale armor.I have no idea how to advance anymore...especially knowing that I need one of these crazy !#!#%%# priced luxury items.
Re: Good gold farming spots for me?
Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 12:15 am
by jackfrost1440
Once u get higher..things become a lot easier..not lvling but making gold isnt as hard..i hear u i dnt buy plat or nothing n i was lucking for the lux stuff i got..Dont give up..keep playing find a good clan n go on boss hunts..Good lux take time too get. even for high a 124 warrior on Donn. i thought the same thing when i was ur lvl seein mounts n cool weapon on the hell..bit it tales time n grinding away..dont stop. Dont stop n kill everything n everthing