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Meteoric Sword

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 8:00 am
by supervegeta
I am just wondering where i can get one of those. Ive seen people running around with them. If so how much are they?

Re: Meteoric Sword

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 10:03 am
by Mihindu
Hey! Meteoric sword is an upgrade of the sword of the shining sun. To get the sword of the shining sun you need to be level 50. The you need to get a quest from I think Osiris, at the northern peninsula. You need to obtain two dragon discs and two crown discs. You can buy these from other players or get them as drops from bosses in stonevale.

I think you need to be level 60 to upgrade the sword and you need various other items that I don't know how to specify.