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Community grows while boss drops don't......
Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 7:44 pm
by Rhysearch
The entire server of taranis has now turned to kills stealing ecause there's such a back up waiting for dragon discs... The strongest clan (versus) hordes them and sells for over 200 000 gold each if your lucky. I'm sorry but it's ridiculous. Clans are dissolving, long time players like lordyugolith/kingbehorahm/vedranox have quit because of constant fighting. People I have been friends with constantly try to kill steal me and each other because people have implemented a no first come first kill rule... It's now whoever kills fastest gets, so half the time I've are a third of the way thru killing bloodbinders for dragon drops, and twenty people with 3 or 4 different groups will all start attacking to try and steal. There's no honor left in this game and no respect. People fight old friends and relationships have broke down faster tha n they can form. I have eleven characters over three accounts, I have joined them together under the clan banner honourbound and have refused to take part in kill stealing because of basic principles. I'd rather have friendships and respect than another disc fragment. I think the rarity of them is ridiculous, despite what all the elites think. ( tho they only think dragons shud be that rare after they don't need them and can ransom them off to get rich to other players) I see people work hard for months only to have the hopes of continuing there quests squashed because of bullying, pettiness, and greed. I for one will not steal from my friends. But many others are and will. Your breaking down the sense of community on the servers. It was fine they were that rare when there was only a handful of people in stonevale and getting them depended on finding a strong enough group. But there's a tidal wave of low levels getting higher and higher and the rarity of dragon discs is making it harder and harder for anyone to get. I miss when people helped each other instead of tearing each other apart over greed. I doubt you'll do anything about this but it wud be nice to think you would at least consider the impact of a growing community. When a city grows you build more roads, need more food, etc. But your forcing an ever growing community to be expected to be satisfied over scraps that never increase. You people make the rules, and I place the blame of a dissolving sense of friendship and community squarely on your shoulders. You need to feed you dogs before they tear each other apart. I'm not some noob complaining, I have five characters over level 80. And full warden on my main char Rhysearch. But taranis is tearing itself apart and I'm sure other servers will follow suit.
Re: Community grows while boss drops don't......
Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 8:13 pm
by FauxMachine
Sounds like your server has reached the competive benchmark. Welcome to Mabon. By removing yourself from the fight you have only strengthened those who wish to keep you down. Organize and fight back.
Re: Community grows while boss drops don't......
Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 10:50 pm
by rouge1235
The entire server of taranis has now turned to kills stealing ecause there's such a back up waiting for dragon discs... The strongest clan (versus) hordes them and sells for over 200 000 gold each if your lucky. I'm sorry but it's ridiculous. Clans are dissolving, long time players like lordyugolith/kingbehorahm/vedranox have quit because of constant fighting. People I have been friends with constantly try to kill steal me and each other because people have implemented a no first come first kill rule... It's now whoever kills fastest gets, so half the time I've are a third of the way thru killing bloodbinders for dragon drops, and twenty people with 3 or 4 different groups will all start attacking to try and steal. There's no honor left in this game and no respect. People fight old friends and relationships have broke down faster tha n they can form. I have eleven characters over three accounts, I have joined them together under the clan banner honourbound and have refused to take part in kill stealing because of basic principles. I'd rather have friendships and respect than another disc fragment. I think the rarity of them is ridiculous, despite what all the elites think. ( tho they only think dragons shud be that rare after they don't need them and can ransom them off to get rich to other players) I see people work hard for months only to have the hopes of continuing there quests squashed because of bullying, pettiness, and greed. I for one will not steal from my friends. But many others are and will. Your breaking down the sense of community on the servers. It was fine they were that rare when there was only a handful of people in stonevale and getting them depended on finding a strong enough group. But there's a tidal wave of low levels getting higher and higher and the rarity of dragon discs is making it harder and harder for anyone to get. I miss when people helped each other instead of tearing each other apart over greed. I doubt you'll do anything about this but it wud be nice to think you would at least consider the impact of a growing community. When a city grows you build more roads, need more food, etc. But your forcing an ever growing community to be expected to be satisfied over scraps that never increase. You people make the rules, and I place the blame of a dissolving sense of friendship and community squarely on your shoulders. You need to feed you dogs before they tear each other apart. I'm not some noob complaining, I have five characters over level 80. And full warden on my main char Rhysearch. But taranis is tearing itself apart and I'm sure other servers will follow suit.
Versus, DivineForce, and Kronic. All of those really. WTF VED QUIT!!!!!!!! NO (poor Versus)!!!!!!!!!!!!! Taranis and Mabon (I think).
Re: Community grows while boss drops don't......
Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 10:53 pm
by rouge1235
Sounds like your server has reached the competive benchmark. Welcome to Mabon. By removing yourself from the fight you have only strengthened those who wish to keep you down. Organize and fight back.
If I get ksed (on any accounts) i get on my main and ks them untiil they leave and give up ksing. (Already am to someone who ksed my lvl 11 on a lvl 17 >:)
Re: Community grows while boss drops don't......
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 12:35 am
by Rhysearch
well Iv said this to many people, I'd rather have no armor and respect myself than have full warden and great gear off the backs of others. I'm ok with being a clan of one. If people want to join me that's fine. I doubt they will but that's kind of my point. We has lost the sense of community, noone helps anyone for free. And people spend there whole days trying to find new ways to scam by using multiple devices and making one use accounts as I call them. Make an alt, scam a noob, deleat. Repeat. I mean hell, corey1235 has been a know scammer forever and noone does anything about it. People kill steal as a "new rule" and to me, this isn't a sense of comunity. It's lord of the flies where the aggressive angry people prey on the weak. And I find it sad. U can blame human nature and tell me I'm fighting a losing battle like others have. But just as many or more have come to me looking for change, wanting the love and compassion back, and are proud I'm doing this. I don't ask anyone to sacrifice there clan and boss killing like I have, but I hope it at least makes a few people who prey on noobs and extort hard earned cash to think twice. And guys if you only read this and totally disagree that's cool too. But please don't post. I wud like to have a thread started that dosnt degrade into semantics and arguing. There's enough of that on my server and probly yours too. Thanks for your time, Rhysearch. World taranis.
Re: Community grows while boss drops don't......
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 1:13 am
by admin
Hey there,
A massive amount of new areas, bosses, content, loots is already in development to be released at regular intervals after this update goes live. One of the nice things is the sheer variety of new item types which means there is less of just one item being the best in the game, there are now ways to have different items that are equally powerful or valuable in different ways.
For example here are some new types of items in the update:
fashion items for head, chest, feet, hands, legs (can be worn over armour to change look without losing stats)
jewellery items (slots for 4 rings, 2 bracelets, neck and misc)
items that cover more than one slot (e.g. a dress that uses both legs and torso slots)
items with fancy particle effects (flaming swords etc)
unique items - they can only be one of them equipped so you couldn't e.g. equip 2 of the same bracers marked unique
items that boost stats, (+ strength, focus, vitality, dexterity)
items with level restrictions
items that boost skill levels (e.g. pummel +3)
items that boost abilities (e.g. fire magic + 20)
items that proc an effect randomly (e.g. lightning sword that randomly does lightning damage_
items with charges
items that boost your chance to evade incoming skill attacks
gender specific items
items with clickable effects on them (e.g. a ring of healing you can click to use the healing effect on it)
items that add skills (while the item is equipped the player gains a new skill that is held in the item)
and much much more..
I realise there is currently a bottleneck which has caused a lot of issues, but this kind of issue is hopefully going to be much less of a problem going forwards.
Re: Community grows while boss drops don't......
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 3:43 am
by EnergyK
Rosmerta has this problem with only two clans. Frankly, you can't buy a dragon in or world at all.
Re: Community grows while boss drops don't......
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 3:57 am
by Rhysearch
Thank you admin for your thorough response. I apreciate that you guys continue to adress our concerns. We know you guys are working hard for all our enjoyment. I'm glad you brought up a concern I already had about continuing new areas to open so we don't get the bottlenecking we have In the current state. And the variety of different approaches at classes sounds great! I love that we all won't look like mirror images at different states! Right now there is very little visually to diferentiate yourself from others. Tho my pathfinder mask on my full warden rouge with my broom and growth charm do help lol! Can't wait for all the great changes!!! They sound great and I look forward to bosskillling my first dragon!
Oh ya, admin is there any new growth or shrink charms coming out??? Or will the current ones stack on each other??? I want to boss fight Jotun and look him in the eye:) lol!!!
Re: Community grows while boss drops don't......
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:49 am
by Rhysearch
Just an update. What started me going solo and making a clan banner called HonourBound as a statement has begun a ball rolling that I didn't expect. In a matter of a day it's gone from just me to a happy talkative clan of 25!!! I had a new guy online that I bumped into named Morphmarus that's had read my post and messaged me out of the blue to say he was moved by my words and agreed with what I said. I spend the night helping him and many other new people to the game and donating silver leaf high road redclaw and darkrun to them once they joined has made them so happy I'm pleased to see iv had an effect.
We got our first boss kill even tho the game crashed and booted us all jus before he died and we had to start over lol( lost a few potions and idols keeping people alive lol ) but what's most important was everyone got along and was helping! Noone cared wut level others were, or anything like that. They all jus chatted happily away and exchanged information, amazed that high levels were helping them with questions on how to play and with there quests, and generally were jus relaxing and having fun. It was the most enjoyable night iv had playing in awhile.
So to those who wish to perpetuate respect and fun, instead of bullying and pettiness, come make a character on world taranis for a night. All are welcome to our clan, we don't discriminate. U can have some fun with us on clan HonourBound. Everyone welcome from 1 to 100:)
Rhysearch: world taranis, clan chieftan of Honourbound
Re: Community grows while boss drops don't......
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 12:47 am
by Teaweasel
Lol yeah it takes something to stand for something in game or in RL and you do risk a more difficult path in terms of game achievements, but at the end of the day feeling good about yourself is sometimes worth the hardship.
Best of luck.