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200 event boss

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 11:20 pm
by Malicious
Is this spawn timer glitched?
5 and half hours and still no sign of it, been seen only after reset, is this a glitch? Longer spawn time?

Any other servers having same issue? (iOS servers not android)

Re: 200 event boss

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 11:25 pm
by Bourne
Is this spawn timer glitched?
5 and half hours and still no sign of it, been seen only after reset, is this a glitch? Longer spawn time?

Any other servers having same issue? (iOS servers not android)
All the spawns in beta were atrociously long, apparently they didn't bother to change them and if the drops are even remotely close to being the same as they were before then there really isn't much point in killing them. I think I tried camping the level 50 one in beta and the spawn was like 2-3 hours, the spawn times definitely do not justify the drops though.

Re: 200 event boss

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 11:56 pm
by friddoo
Is this spawn timer glitched?
5 and half hours and still no sign of it, been seen only after reset, is this a glitch? Longer spawn time?

Any other servers having same issue? (iOS servers not android)
All the spawns in beta were atrociously long, apparently they didn't bother to change them and if the drops are even remotely close to being the same as they were before then there really isn't much point in killing them. I think I tried camping the level 50 one in beta and the spawn was like 2-3 hours, the spawn times definitely do not justify the drops though.
Biteys guide said 3-5 hours for each one

Re: 200 event boss

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 11:57 pm
by Alexbdubs
It just spawned for us in a little over 6 hrs

Re: 200 event boss

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 12:18 am
by Aileron
Thank goodness, less spawns = less camping

Ythair is still the best, guaranteed 6* and a 11-13 hour respawn. No bovine excrement placeholders.

Re: 200 event boss

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 12:22 am
by Bourne
Thank goodness, less spawns = less camping

Ythair is still the best, guaranteed 6* and a 11-13 hour respawn. No bovine excrement placeholders.
I'd say Garanak was good too, but that's mainly because of the drops, still the best set of items in game IMPO (in my personal opinion)

Re: 200 event boss

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 2:05 am
by Malicious
Yeah it turned in at 6 hours on the nose, just wish had known 3 hours earlier but there's only one way to find out :D