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Rogue Setup

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2015 7:49 am
by ShepardOfFire
I am a rogue and I just wanna know what skills I should lvl up and where I should put my skill attributes. Please help. I want to be solely DPS.

Re: Rogue Setup

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2015 8:18 am
by paggasquid
I am not really a rogue expert, buy I would say:
-max shadowstrike
-max sneaky attack(for bossing) or max riposte(for lvling)
-max quickstrike
-max assassinate
-max poison weapons

Split your points between strength and vit. As far as I know end-game rogues try to get 1k strength at least and just enough vit to survive the weak aeo's.

Re: Rogue Setup

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2015 8:47 am
by friddoo
nah go full dex for levelling with just enough vit to live and ditch poison wep for sneaky

Re: Rogue Setup

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2015 12:18 pm
by Plus3
It depends too much on what level you are, how you play (solo or with groups or both), and what gear you have to give a definitive answer. Try posting this in the rogue section it's been answered before.

Re: Rogue Setup

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 9:25 am
by 2minsbrb
Ive tested a few builds. For max dps you want full strength and just enough vit to live and maybe 100 dex if you feel it.

Quickstrike, sneakystrike ( unevadeable high damage), riposte (or rend depending if you have a working tank warrior that can hld aggro) / leftover points into shaddowstrike as it gets evaded too much and you will be strength build.

However the best build to suite your style of play you
Will have to find out for yourself.
This dps build is for hard hitting autos and high skill hits. This build should get you the kill most definately ;)
This build is fo people with good luxary equipment and good armour. If you dont yet jave that i suggest you go for a dex/vit build.

Re: Rogue Setup

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 11:39 am
by Anexander
You can also check out the rogue setups in the profiles section on my site:

Seeing how others are set up might help a bit for how to plan your toon :)

Re: Rogue Setup

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 8:17 pm
by Legolas15
Ive tested a few builds. For max dps you want full strength and just enough vit to live and maybe 100 dex if you feel it.

Quickstrike, sneakystrike ( unevadeable high damage), riposte (or rend depending if you have a working tank warrior that can hld aggro) / leftover points into shaddowstrike as it gets evaded too much and you will be strength build.

However the best build to suite your style of play you
Will have to find out for yourself.
This dps build is for hard hitting autos and high skill hits. This build should get you the kill most definately ;)
This build is fo people with good luxary equipment and good armour. If you dont yet jave that i suggest you go for a dex/vit build.
sneaky strike lol

Re: Rogue Setup

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 8:28 pm
by Loco cola
Ive tested a few builds. For max dps you want full strength and just enough vit to live and maybe 100 dex if you feel it.

Quickstrike, sneakystrike ( unevadeable high damage), riposte (or rend depending if you have a working tank warrior that can hld aggro) / leftover points into shaddowstrike as it gets evaded too much and you will be strength build.

However the best build to suite your style of play you
Will have to find out for yourself.
This dps build is for hard hitting autos and high skill hits. This build should get you the kill most definately ;)
This build is fo people with good luxary equipment and good armour. If you dont yet jave that i suggest you go for a dex/vit build.
Dps is damage per second not burst dmg

Re: Rogue Setup

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 12:23 pm
by Vulture
Ive tested a few builds. For max dps you want full strength and just enough vit to live and maybe 100 dex if you feel it.

Quickstrike, sneakystrike ( unevadeable high damage), riposte (or rend depending if you have a working tank warrior that can hld aggro) / leftover points into shaddowstrike as it gets evaded too much and you will be strength build.

However the best build to suite your style of play you
Will have to find out for yourself.
This dps build is for hard hitting autos and high skill hits. This build should get you the kill most definately ;)
This build is fo people with good luxary equipment and good armour. If you dont yet jave that i suggest you go for a dex/vit build.
Shadowstrike sucks and that's not even a build let alone one that'll net you kills.

Re: Rogue Setup

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 12:49 pm
by Zyz
So for a leveling build y'all would suggest sneaky instead of shadowstrike? I don't understand this.