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Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 12:23 pm
by Danielwarrior
Sometimes I get the kill and I do not get a drop while someone who does nothing gets the drop. So my question is where is getting the drop based on? Does the game picks someone randomly or most dps or some.

Re: Drops

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 12:26 pm
by ThyraUnited
Completely random. Someone who joins the group with 2 hits left on the boss gets he same chance as someone who hit him first.

Re: Drops

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 3:29 pm
by Aileron
damage done isn't taken in account.

if the group is full it's an even chance.

but I wouldn't be surprised if the game mechanics gives a bigger chance to someone who joins last in a non full group. seen it too many times to be plausible.

Re: Drops

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 4:08 pm
by Loco cola
damage done isn't taken in account.

if the group is full it's an even chance.

but I wouldn't be surprised if the game mechanics gives a bigger chance to someone who joins last in a non full group. seen it too many times to be plausible.
My guess is the coding runs for a couple seconds like a gambling machine. When the last person joins it causes a bug that makes it stop on a member of the team that previously didn't exist in that team.
Just my guess

Re: Drops

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 5:49 pm
by MisterWiskers
damage done isn't taken in account.

if the group is full it's an even chance.

but I wouldn't be surprised if the game mechanics gives a bigger chance to someone who joins last in a non full group. seen it too many times to be plausible.
My guess is the coding runs for a couple seconds like a gambling machine. When the last person joins it causes a bug that makes it stop on a member of the team that previously didn't exist in that team.
Just my guess
I'm not a pro coder, but that doesn't make sense. Why would such a simple code run for a few seconds?

I think that they simply assign a random value, 1- to the size of the group, and give the items to the player who corresponds with the number.

Aileron, I've never noticed that correlation :/

To the op, it is randomly generated as other said.

Re: Drops

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 8:14 pm
by Aileron
I've killed Killain for I don't know how long, must've been 2 years...and in our clan, we always let any clannie get in the group, and the medal, most of the time, drops to whoever joined last. We've joke about it for a long time and of course it's just a speculation but I'm sure some folks have noticed how someone who joined late usually gets the drops. I've seen a few posts about it in the past.

Our prevailing theory is that if there are 3 people in group, and a 4th person joins, the loot dice rolls from 1-8 and Person 1 wins if dice rolls a 1, Person 2 wins on a 2, Person 3 wins on a 3, and the last Person 4 wins on a 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8. Most times Ive killed Killain I'm always grouped with 1 other person, and when a 3rd person joins, I take note of it and the 3rd person wins more than 75% of the time, far cry from 33.3% they're supposed to get. Then again, I could've been just unlucky for 2 years. :lol:

Re: Drops

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 4:16 am
by friddoo
unlucky i never notice this happening to me

Re: Drops

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 5:35 am
by Celts
I've killed Killain for I don't know how long, must've been 2 years...and in our clan, we always let any clannie get in the group, and the medal, most of the time, drops to whoever joined last. We've joke about it for a long time and of course it's just a speculation but I'm sure some folks have noticed how someone who joined late usually gets the drops. I've seen a few posts about it in the past.

Our prevailing theory is that if there are 3 people in group, and a 4th person joins, the loot dice rolls from 1-8 and Person 1 wins if dice rolls a 1, Person 2 wins on a 2, Person 3 wins on a 3, and the last Person 4 wins on a 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8. Most times Ive killed Killain I'm always grouped with 1 other person, and when a 3rd person joins, I take note of it and the 3rd person wins more than 75% of the time, far cry from 33.3% they're supposed to get. Then again, I could've been just unlucky for 2 years. :lol:
Does that mean u should always have someone else invite you to the group in arena? :) i like 7/8 chance of getting drop more then 1/8