Letting weaker players win endgame bosses
#1The lock system has resulted in ridiculous outcome as far as end game bosses are concerned. Today we have a full group of level 220 plus at hrung. We were outlocked by a group of 180 plus from rival clan. At level 220 plus we can only lock hrung when it is 50% down. But the rival clan was able to lock it at 25%. I think this is wrong that otm allows an endgame boss to be had by a group that is so much weaker. This rival clan has deliberately stayed at those levels to outlock us at Dl bosses and now at hrung. So by levelling up to be able to kill edl bosses and later gelebron, we are now penalised at hrung and possibly mordy later on. Otm needs to review this stupid lock system. It is way overdone.