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How is this 'Scamming'?

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 8:30 am
by 2minsbrb
Hello otm and people of celtic heroes,
recently i was killing the bosses in otherworld with a group of friends.
Nek min someone pms me and wants to buy my account, and i said no about 5 times!
then he spam traded me and i wasted like 4 idols on the idiot so i said nothing for a while.
then i said no again and he was pressing the accept button in the trade so i accepted the trade and got his stuff, then he asks User/pass?

I never agreed to sell him my account, I know i took his stuff but im so sick of people who buy/sell accounts and i hope this guy learns a lesson, i never at one stage aggreed to sell him my account so there is no possible way i could be banned?

Anyway i hope this guy learns a lesson, the reason i hate the people who randomly ask to buy your account is because they ruin the game for so many people, they are the absolute scum who go from level 50 to 150 without leveling or killing a mob,
i have so many friends who fall for this type of stuff and end up having to start an alt from level 1 again, then you have a higher level player base that knows absolutely nothing about the game.

anyway so after that he calls me a scammer, i mean how did i scam?

Love to hear your thought's, also hes threatening that my account will be banned... L0l!

- Kill Everyone - mabon - 109 ---- rogue

Re: How is this 'Scamming'?

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 8:37 am
by rayyed
i agree u didnt scam him he traded u the stuff.
And account buying inst fair for people that work hard to lvl

Re: How is this 'Scamming'?

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 9:12 am
by Loco cola
i agree u didnt scam him he traded u the stuff.
And account buying inst fair for people that work hard to lvl
Actually theres a black market for them on danu, they get sold. Some people even use irl money and they use that for combos to level their new accounts up so they can sell it

Re: How is this 'Scamming'?

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 9:32 am
by 2minsbrb
i agree u didnt scam him he traded u the stuff.
And account buying inst fair for people that work hard to lvl
Actually theres a black market for them on danu, they get sold. Some people even use irl money and they use that for combos to level their new accounts up so they can sell it
that's just dumb, wheres the fun in buying a complete account?
the whole point is to play the game from level 1 to 230.
It ruins the game IMO.

Re: How is this 'Scamming'?

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 9:46 am
by Loco cola
i agree u didnt scam him he traded u the stuff.
And account buying inst fair for people that work hard to lvl
Actually theres a black market for them on danu, they get sold. Some people even use irl money and they use that for combos to level their new accounts up so they can sell it
that's just dumb, wheres the fun in buying a complete account?
the whole point is to play the game from level 1 to 230.
It ruins the game IMO.
Think about their mindset.
I can either spend MONTHES or even a year or two grinding to 230, or i can just pop out 20$ and not spnd any time, then over those years or monthes I can earn more money

Re: How is this 'Scamming'?

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 10:13 am
by 2minsbrb
Damn that's so unfair for everyone else who legitimately play this game.

Re: How is this 'Scamming'?

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 11:38 am
by Legislative
so loco wants to buy 230 Endgame class for 20$?..

Re: How is this 'Scamming'?

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 11:55 am
by Plus3
It's true you can buy an end game account for less than 10% of what it actually cost in irl money to get there and the time you get free. However there are some drawbacks. 70+% of the time you will be scammed. 25+% of the time you will get banned. The chances of walking away with a good deal are quite low, you can be device banned and even lose access to your legit accounts you never did anything wrong on. Just don't do it.

And yes the op can't be banned for the above actions as described. OTM has logs of all actions and all chats. They can see he/she was spamming you asking you for your user name and password which is a bannable offense itself. You might think about giving back the stuff eventually but if you decide to keep it its not scamming really if its as you describe it the person is being an *******.

Re: How is this 'Scamming'?

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 12:06 pm
by Dem0n
Trades are final, the other player ticking accept is his contract to giving you the items. You cannot be banned and I don't think you scammed him :lol:

Re: How is this 'Scamming'?

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 12:17 pm
by friddoo
Trades are final, the other player ticking accept is his contract to giving you the items. You cannot be banned and I don't think you scammed him :lol:
ill just keep that royal charm then since it was 'final' :D

jkjk :lol: