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Limit on bounites
Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2015 10:33 pm
by Nub Main
So after spending maybe an hour farming hunters remains, I decided to use them to get more bounites. I had more than enough for ten extra bounties, but after doing five, I discovered that there was a limit! You should be able to do as many bounties as you have agreements.
Re: Limit on bounites
Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2015 11:02 pm
by Thebeast1224
-1 someone could just buy a lot of remains or farm and then they could just keep doing it and it would be way to easy to lvl there would be no point of buy xp or combos
Re: Limit on bounites
Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 12:00 am
by csc76
Idk about you, but at level 209 completing all 6 daily bounties only give me about 1% tnl and takes a lot of time. That's 3 months to level up once on bounties. Not competitive at all against lixes.
Re: Limit on bounites
Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 12:04 am
by Mildseven
Well depends on your luck. If you get elite bounty, you get better XP than standard bounty. For me, 5-6 bounty a day gets me 1-2 XP bars. Best was 2nd day when bounty was released because I got 3 eelite bounties. Xps and combos of course still makes you level faster, but bounties help.
Re: Limit on bounites
Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 12:24 am
by Garat
The bigger issue I have is that too many of the bounties are not where I level. I don't mind bounties with rare spawns if I lix there anyway, but if it's mobs that are lower level than me, or areas I don't level in anymore, farming mobs is a pain.
The flip side was when I got one for mobs 5 levels above me that did not spawn quickly, and I found that that area was Much better to lix in for me
Re: Limit on bounites
Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 3:04 am
by Adai
The bigger issue I have is that too many of the bounties are not where I level. I don't mind bounties with rare spawns if I lix there anyway, but if it's mobs that are lower level than me, or areas I don't level in anymore, farming mobs is a pain.
The flip side was when I got one for mobs 5 levels above me that did not spawn quickly, and I found that that area was Much better to lix in for me
I agree with randomness of mob levels. At 211 I'm getting quests for mobs 205. Time spent versus reward isn't really worth it. But I do it anyways just to get a shot at something cool from a bounty bag..which seems like impossible. So far I've gotten one bag..that gave me a wisdom lix.
Chelu 220 warrior
Fokai 212 Mage
Adai 189 Ranger
Hafa 189 rogue
Bonita 165 druid
Re: Limit on bounites
Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 3:06 am
by I'mdead
On my alt account level 106, one of the bounties required me to kill Broodlord level 155.
Re: Limit on bounites
Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 3:19 am
by Aileron
Bounties were meant to be "in addition to" rather than replacing grinding.
If there were unlimited bounties, those with thousands of dollars to spare can simply buy their way up to level 220, that's why there has to be a limit.
Re: Limit on bounites
Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 5:19 am
by Loco cola
-1 someone could just buy a lot of remains or farm and then they could just keep doing it and it would be way to easy to lvl there would be no point of buy xp or combos
Your 110 right?
Don't you level like twice a day without lixs?
Re: Limit on bounites
Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 6:43 am
by OpticalAwakens
-1 someone could just buy a lot of remains or farm and then they could just keep doing it and it would be way to easy to lvl there would be no point of buy xp or combos
Your 110 right?
Don't you level like twice a day without lixs?
yeah if he he lvls all day.. at 110 i aas goin about 20-25 mins per lvl.