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Questions about crits

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 11:39 am
by nueee
Ok so if your pet hits a crit does it lessen the chances of getting another skill crit ? Or does each skill have a % of hitting a crit no matter the skill? Like does say sharp shot have its own crit % double shot it's own crit % ect , or is it all your skills as a whole have a crit % chance ?

I only ask because it would be a waste for dps to use a pet and waste a possible good crit instead of criting on a pet .

Any help would be appreciated thanks in advance sorry if I explained it suckish .

Re: Questions about crits

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 11:46 am
by Perky
Every skill/auto has a chance to crit. I for example had 2 crits in a row on Prot prime and next Prot base I have no single crit.

Re: Questions about crits

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 12:58 pm
by friddoo
Strange question. I don't see why you would think OTM would implement that and make the coding 20x harder for themselves by adding diminishing returns on a % chance.

Re: Questions about crits

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 1:03 pm
by nueee
Strange question. I don't see why you would think OTM would implement that and make the coding 20x harder for themselves by adding diminishing returns on a % chance.
Ok say what you just said but Like you were talking to a 3rd grader bc idek what you were trying to get at lol I asked a few questions idk which exactly your referring too.

Re: Questions about crits

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 1:05 pm
by friddoo
Ah ok lol, It would be extremely impractical for OTM to do what you are saying with one crit reducing the chance of the next crit.

Basically everytime you attack you will have a 1-5% chance to crit depending on abilities (purely hypothetical numbers).

Re: Questions about crits

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 1:09 pm
by nueee
Ah ok lol, It would be extremely impractical for OTM to do what you are saying with one crit reducing the chance of the next crit.

Basically everytime you attack you will have a 1-5% chance to crit depending on abilities (purely hypothetical numbers).
Wouldn't it take more coding to make each individual skill have its own crit rate ? I ask these things bc ik how otm can be sometimes and of course I want to optimize my dps.

Re: Questions about crits

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 1:13 pm
by friddoo
Each time you damage your enemy you will have a chance to crit, what skill you use wont matter

Re: Questions about crits

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 9:12 pm
by Iman687
Anyone figure out a formula for critical hit chance yet? As a function of ability? Could maybe land 1000 autos at say 0 ability to 500 ability then 1000, then 1500 then 2000 then plot the points (avg crit percent per 1000 hits vs ability), figure out the type of function, probably not exponential, hope it isn't square root.. It's actually quite easy to do using Excel. The only problem with it is if we use 1000 hits out crit abliity wid move up during the test interval.

Re: Questions about crits

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 1:00 am
by Plus3
Anyone figure out a formula for critical hit chance yet? As a function of ability? Could maybe land 1000 autos at say 0 ability to 500 ability then 1000, then 1500 then 2000 then plot the points (avg crit percent per 1000 hits vs ability), figure out the type of function, probably not exponential, hope it isn't square root.. It's actually quite easy to do using Excel. The only problem with it is if we use 1000 hits out crit abliity wid move up during the test interval.
Further complicating it is you would need to count hits as it needs to land to crit. So it wouldn't be as simple as timing it unless you hit 100%

Another way is to get to a fairly high crit level and then put on crit gear rings and see what difference it makes.

Re: Questions about crits

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 1:22 am
by Iman687
It's impossible to miss on training dummies hehe