Since what I'm about to ask could probably apply to any class I'm asking in the general section.
Is a low level ( 100ish ) build centered around evasions viable? I was thinking if a character was dex based and stacked evasion gear that it may be possible to simply avoid most damage of all sorts. I was thinking about two bracers of constitution (350 in all evasions each, 750 total), and if using the 100 vendor rings for example most evasions would be near 1k. And then finding a suitable neck/ charm. Then of course training up the evasions themselves the old fashioned way.
The build would have to be auto/pierced based I assume. I think it would offer slow, but steady damage with hopefully little or no need for restos and such. I don't expect this would carry anyone into end game, but perhaps through carowmore? Anyhow I'm curious if anyone has ever been crazy enough to attempt something like this and if so how did it fair?
Evaision build, feasible?
#1Black Company of Taranis
Mercenaries don't care about sides or politics, they care about getting paid.
Mercenaries don't care about sides or politics, they care about getting paid.