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Anyone get any plat or tokens from fishing yet?
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2016 1:53 am
by JOKER16
I'm currently lvl 110 in fishing & haven't seen any plat or tokens . Don't get me wrong I've gotten chest but only thing in there was 100 gold and some low lvl elixers/ pots. Fishing is still a joke! Plz fix this
Re: Anyone get any plat or tokens from fishing yet?
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2016 1:56 am
by Helium Dude
A guy got 5 plat and hes lvl 100 in our clan. Honestly fishing just doesn't make sense and is not worth the time.
Even castle camping is more prolific.
Re: Anyone get any plat or tokens from fishing yet?
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2016 2:33 am
by Loco cola
Yeah. Fishing needs tons and tons of revamping. We should be getting super/heroic lixs from it, combos knows etc. and what's with this no trade bovine excrement? We need fishing to be a secondary content. If someone is going to spend their time somewhere to get gold while they go semi afk, they would rather go to castle. It's cheaper and has a larger chance of rewarding decent items
Re: Anyone get any plat or tokens from fishing yet?
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2016 3:10 am
by ManifestationOfSkill
I agree, originally i thought fishing was a brilliant idea however it's pretty much useless for mid-higher level players.
An experiment i did with a level 20 ranger or so in which i fished for a few days proved fishing to be somewhat decent for the lower levels. I had success making about 15k with an activity that is very AFK.
Re: Anyone get any plat or tokens from fishing yet?
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2016 10:22 am
by Muldar
The current fishing content may not offer much to higher levels but I've found it to be quite useful for those new to the game.
Additional Fishing + Recipes are coming that should benefit higher level players .
Re: Anyone get any plat or tokens from fishing yet?
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2016 3:26 pm
by ohxstatexio
Been fishing a ton, No plat, not Pet tokens, No mount tokens.
I opened 17 Sunken Lockboxes after a few hours this is the rewards
3 1000 gold, 3 100 gold, 2 Restoration potions, 2 resurrection idols, 1 Super Elixer of Regen, 2 Super Elixer of Maximum Energy, 1 Super Elixer of Maximum Health, 1 Super Elixer of Haste, 1 super elixer of attack and 1 super elixer of defence. I have found that Crumbling items also seem location specific? Obviously cant confirm this, but I got 2 crumbled swords at The Pier besides grizzly mcadams, 2 crumbling effigys at the beach besides grizzly mcadams and 2 crumbling urns at the beginning pier. But all of that fishing and not one token or plat, I did get 12 rings, 2 useful the rest are lesser rings and clams, but the sell off isn't worth it. Was hoping for tokens more than anything.
Re: Anyone get any plat or tokens from fishing yet?
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2016 5:53 pm
by Iman687
why should you fish?
Gold? Nah you'll have 10x more gold farming
Gear? Seeing pet token drop rate you'd again have better luck farming boggans and paying plat buyers
Recipe/cooking ?Sure
But no ones going to leave horizontal content such as snorri camps every 1:50 to partake in fishing... Why is 2014 content still relevant in almost 2017? And why is 2017 content appalled by players? DL weps although mucch like fishing take time, atleast have some return on lol.. DL weps necessary for all chaos bosses in game.. Idk what you can do with a resto after fishing 5 hours when u cud make 1000's by doing boggans
Re: Anyone get any plat or tokens from fishing yet?
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2016 6:05 pm
by Bake
I did get 60 plat from a sunken chest; however, that was prior to the latest update. Nothing noteworthy, from fishing in this update, yet - I've still got a lot of work to do so maybe my luck will change.
Re: Anyone get any plat or tokens from fishing yet?
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2016 6:56 pm
by Curry30423
Don't increase level cap on fishing. It'll just be another form of vertical content if cap is furthered. Just make recipes for things that have a player level req and new spots for everyone.
Re: Anyone get any plat or tokens from fishing yet?
Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 9:55 am
by Lordy141098
Don't increase level cap on fishing. It'll just be another form of vertical content if cap is furthered. Just make recipes for things that have a player level req and new spots for everyone.