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The Other World Senti/ magus qeust?

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 6:14 am
by cat100268
Is there a restriction on how many time you can do this senti and magus qeust a day, because I did the qeust a few time and then it told me to goto skewer and do some qeust there so I kill those guys down there and went back to other world and wasn't able to do them again :(. Help Please

Re: The Other World Senti/ magus qeust?

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 9:50 am
by Muldar
Hey Cat,

If you have started the quest Stifled Light and progressed to the Dunskeig Sewers leg of the questline, you will be unable to accept Sentinel Fall. There are other repeatable quests throughout the questline that provide greater xp rewards, though perhaps not in as rapid a fashion as Sentinel Fall did.

The amount of xp that Sentinel Fall awarded was much too great vs the ease to complete the quest. The numbers have been reduced slightly, and the repeatable quests at the end of the new stretch of the questline (Twistier Crystals and More Weeding Out The Weak) have received a boost to their xp in the most recent update.

Going forward we'll likely offer an increased xp reward on the repeatable quests at the end of any given leg of the continuing questline while it is "current content", and reduce that xp down to a more reasonable level when more quests are added beyond.

Re: The Other World Senti/ magus qeust?

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 10:47 am
by Corrupt
Hey Cat,

If you have started the quest Stifled Light and progressed to the Dunskeig Sewers leg of the questline, you will be unable to accept Sentinel Fall. There are other repeatable quests throughout the questline that provide greater xp rewards, though perhaps not in as rapid a fashion as Sentinel Fall did.

The amount of xp that Sentinel Fall awarded was much too great vs the ease to complete the quest. The numbers have been reduced slightly, and the repeatable quests at the end of the new stretch of the questline (Twistier Crystals and More Weeding Out The Weak) have received a boost to their xp in the most recent update.

Going forward we'll likely offer an increased xp reward on the repeatable quests at the end of any given leg of the continuing questline while it is "current content", and reduce that xp down to a more reasonable level when more quests are added beyond.
I don't feel as if the quest needed a reduction in XP. Lixing was and is still far more superior so it should have stayed the same otherwise the only people who benefit from the xp curve are those who like to lix those lvls.

Re: The Other World Senti/ magus qeust?

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 10:48 am
by SamGamgee105
So part of the nerf of sent was sending clueless players down this rabbithole of shiny new quests only to discover there is no going back..Something I instantly fell victim to btw

Re: The Other World Senti/ magus qeust?

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 2:58 pm
by cat100268
Milder, the thing is I couldn't keep doing senti because all that was there were qeust attachment, now I'm gonna have living hell trying to lvl my Druid to lvl 140, decide I can't do razor that much because I end up dieing quickly as Druid :((((((

Re: The Other World Senti/ magus qeust?

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2017 9:38 pm
by Devoque
It seems a bit unfair. Because you are just following offered quest line you are unable to level up? Does it making any sence? Now i should do razorclaw million of times instead of getting pleasure with sentinel.