Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

New Fashion - Sneak Peak


Once again we are excited to show you early concept art of new content coming to Celtic Heroes!

In a change from our usual concept posts this time we will be focusing on fashion and showcasing one of the two new sets coming in our next content update.

We would love to hear your feedback so be sure to post below.

Re: New Fashion - Sneak Peak

For gods sake please give us auras like blood dust instead of the typical shine
I do it because i can. I can because i want to. I want to because you said i couldn't.
Level 221 Mage
level 220 druid
level 216 rogue
level 215 warrior
Server: Balor
Clan: Nova
Position: Guard
Spirit Team Balor Server first Necro kill 5/8/2016


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