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Lags during Gelebron

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2017 9:12 pm
by Criminal
This was unbelievable.... We scheduled Gelebron for 1 hour ago, had over 40 toons there. We did everything well and then the server lag hit us..... Making us fail, twice, cus it didnt let us kill crystals + when lag spike ended Gele suddenly casted barrier and made us fail.

I used 6 hastes, 6 hps, 6 travels, 6 eng and 6 attack elixirs on a SINGLE TOON, and another 4 of each on the other or 5.

That sums up in 10+ elixirs for only 2 toons, x20 to make it 40 toons... U have 200 elixirs used in a single fight that FAILED. 200 elixirs of almost each type.

We wasted over a hour, around 200 elixirs, god knows how many pots and idols, only to fail twice for the server lags.

This needs compensation, while we failed there we also had our rivals kill all edls and we ended up gaining nothing, only losing a hour + TONS of money. I dont care how much u enjoy making money OTM, Ive never liked these complaints and its not the first time lags completely wipe us out, but this time we used way too many resources.

This needs something, not 3 mere combos that no one at lvl 220+ really needs. We deserve a whole big bundle of elixirs at the very least per toon.

Re: Lags during Gelebron

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2017 9:17 pm
by Pimbso
Exact same problem on Taranis. Lock battle with about 70 toons in arcane.. So bad as to where nobody could connect to the servers

Re: Lags during Gelebron

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2017 9:20 pm
by Cathunt
So that was the reason no one else could log durning these battles. I thought it was something otm was doing to the server making them lag like that. I also was not even at gele sence I'm to low but I was feeling the lag to I'm glad I did not have those happens durning a boss and I feel crimes message about it was needed

Re: Lags during Gelebron

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2017 9:21 pm
by Criminal
Exact same problem on Taranis. Lock battle with about 70 toons in arcane.. So bad as to where nobody could connect to the servers
My game froze twice today, had lags and connections issues, but Gele was the worst. To have around 45 toons in one clan to kill a single boss..... and fail..... twice..... This is a bad joke,

I stopped using forums honestly because nothing ever got done here, countless of suggestions which OTM writes each of them on a paper, and throw it straight to the trash can.

Re: Lags during Gelebron

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2017 9:24 pm
by Exe-belenus
Plus we had tons of people who had to stay up to 2-3am some of them, only to see this.

Re: Lags during Gelebron

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2017 9:41 pm
by Curry30423
We've also experienced heavy server lag at gele when we have 40+. We still push through even though it costs us so much. It's sad that such a problem that's been occurring and effecting players for 5+ months STILL hasn't been fixed. At this point I'd say it's fair to say that we DESERVE a 1-10% plat back, OR a set amount of plat, a minimum of 2000. This is NOT unreasonable for the time and resources we all have wasted on geles.

And ffs if u don't do gele don't post on this thread @ThePeopleThatDontDoGele

Re: Lags during Gelebron

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2017 9:43 pm
by Curry30423
And if that's too much for u otm which it probably will be then heavily nerf gele so we don't need 40+ people or even as many as 30. It seems we lag a lot with 40+ in a single area so although this wouldn't fix the lag issue completely, it would give us some freedom to do gele without worrying so much.

Re: Lags during Gelebron

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2017 10:04 pm
by Criminal
Now we're lagging so hard on Necro it raged too. Still on it right now cant even cast a skill.

Re: Lags during Gelebron

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2017 10:05 pm
by bob the mage
And the problems continue. Can only wonder how much worse they will get with cross platform.

Re: Lags during Gelebron

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2017 10:18 pm
by Cathunt
If the cross platform makes it worse how are we gonna do any bosses. im hoping its just what there doing to server and not the servers over all. Ik that gele lags a lot but they need to fix all the lag. All I can think about now is this update better be dang worth it.