The recent addition (and now removal) of Revival Chests has players incredibly frustrated. As an old player myself, I am not actually all that mad. Let me tell you why.
First off, OneThumbMobile (Celtic Heroes) is a business. This means that they need money in order to run, and are motivated by money. Now, before you go saying OTM just wanted to make a quick buck, which they did, realize this is what every business does.
Put it this way. Imagine OTM is running out of money and will close down if they don't have enough. Would you rather these chests be added, or the game to be shut down. OneThumbMobile needs a way to generate money. I can't speak for other serves, but on Gwydion, the platinum sales were basically dead before these chests. When the new chests came, nearly everyone in my clan was dropping hundreds to open these. People were genuinely excited.
On the argument that OTM said the items would be "limited", I tell you they still are. These chests won't be around forever, they're already gone in fact. Your limited items are still limited.
Long story short, OTM is a business that needs money, like any other business. They make decisions based on one underlying goal, that being money. With that in mind, they definitely made the right decision with these chests, because at least in Gwydion, they made a ton of money!
Revival Chests - A Veteran Players Unpopular Opinion
#1World: Gwydion
Wiffle- LVL 152+ -Rogue
Started playing on May 3rd, 2012.
Wiffle- LVL 152+ -Rogue
Started playing on May 3rd, 2012.