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Maybe Forum Posting works....

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 1:19 pm
by thijsdeF
So for any magical reason my imperial abbysal armblet of lightheal dissappeard from my backpack and support doesnt answer lol so thought maybe muldar sees this post and fixes something you never know xoxo

Re: Maybe Forum Posting works....

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 2:37 pm
So for any magical reason my imperial abbysal armblet of lightheal dissappeard from my backpack and support doesnt answer lol so thought maybe muldar sees this post and fixes something you never know xoxo
Its cuz ya have too much junk ya nub, do some spring cleaning

Re: Maybe Forum Posting works....

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 8:27 pm
by Eragon123
Step 1: make sure you are on jewelry tab (or all)
Step 2: check your equipped items (ya never know)
Step 3: check bank
Step 4: repeat until ya find it

Items don't just go missing...there's always a reason for it ;)

Re: Maybe Forum Posting works....

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 8:36 pm
by Killface
No, after updates items DO sometimes go missing in CH. not super uncommon.

Re: Maybe Forum Posting works....

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2017 3:44 am
by Regenleif
Step 1: make sure you are on jewelry tab (or all)
Step 2: check your equipped items (ya never know)
Step 3: check bank
Step 4: repeat until ya find it

Items don't just go missing...there's always a reason for it ;)
Several times it has been reported of items going missing (quivers etc)...

... I'm still puzzled as to where my sled went ...

Re: Maybe Forum Posting works....

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2017 5:33 pm
by Rcflyn
My daughter mailed my horse back to me once, I wasn't online, nor was I online for several days. Completely forgot she mailed it to me. Several days go by, and I realize ponys Mia. Sent support a ticket, they couldn't find evidence of a pony. Pm'ed mulder, and wouldnt you know it, my pony was back the next day with an explaination from mulder it just vanished after my daughter sent it, it never made it to my account. I wonder how many other times things like this has happened, and I wonder what all my daughter sent me that day....
And I wonder how many other items that just vanished over the years....

Re: Maybe Forum Posting works....

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2017 8:37 am
by Muldar
Better off contacting Support, submit an in-game ticket titled "Missing Item" and our team will look into it.

While I do help out on occasion with support requests due to my busy schedule it is better to contact Support.