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Can scammed get banned?

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 6:02 am
by Hercules62625
My brother was scammed recently and the scammer won't pay up. He owes many people gold or items and refuses to pay anyone. He is impersonating someone.

Re: Can scammed get banned?

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 8:04 am
by Loco cola
Yeah remove the name. That breaks the naming and shaming rule and will make admins ignore your post.

Scamming is not inherently against the TOS so he will not be banned nor will any action be taken. But for impersonating another player he could be perm banned, potentially losing the items

Not much can be done on OTMs side for scammers, as both sides can genuinely believe they are correct, meaning that a "scammer" could just be someone misunderstood and OTM doesn't really ban over misunderstandings. For this reason scammers are not banned, and I honestly support it 100%. The community raises hell on scammers in game and trough third party apps, so the permanent lack of EG is more than enough punishment for them.

Re: Can scammed get banned?

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 9:04 am
by Frustration
Yes, they can. Scamming isnt tolerated and the player can get banned.

Repercussions for Scamming Users

Whilst all trades between users are final, and traded items or gold will not be returned, this does not mean that scamming will not be acted on. Scamming is not tolerated and this policy cannot be used as a defence by players who engage in scamming.

Any user found to be scamming other players will be subject to the Celtic Heroes Disciplinary Procedure.
The disciplinary procedure includes warnings, disabling accounts, and banning them.

Many scammers get away with it by making disposable low level accounts, so I support IP bans. Once a scammer, always a scammer.

Re: Can scammed get banned?

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2017 8:30 am
by Muldar
Contact [email protected] with the details of the case and they will investigate it.

Please ensure you include the names of any characters involved.


Re: Can scammed get banned?

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2017 8:48 am
by saladin7
I don't fully agree with the naming and shaming rule sometimes. Its only valid on forums, but not in the main game. People can make impostor accounts, scam, grief or spread lies about the original person and get away with it. It is pretty much the exact same thing but nothing gets done about it where it really matters.

Re: Can scammed get banned?

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2017 12:33 am
by Ballr
This is good to know , I'm a one eyed one horned flying purple scammer eater.;)

Re: Can scammed get banned?

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2017 12:38 am
by Ballr
Honestly I've found that by interrupting their business they generally leave. It's a real problem as many good "plat buying" I might add, players leave the game over being scammed. I investigated this whole racket several years ago and found that people in 3rd world countries were making a living off of scamming and selling gold. It's the lowest of the low , scammers should never be tolerated to any degree. Ultimately they hurt the game.