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Emperrors down Gelebron on server Lir

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 7:18 pm
by Yugowolf
25 min kill with 36 op player xD..

Re: Emperrors down Gelebron on server Lir

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 7:46 pm
by Loco cola
Good job guys! Only took you 3years! Lmfao my clan did it faster and we had way less people. We weren't even dom clan either :lol:

Maybe lir will actually be relevant on forums now

Re: Emperrors down Gelebron on server Lir

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 7:51 pm
by Zkills
Good job guys! Only took you 3years! Lmfao my clan did it faster and we had way less people. We weren't even dom clan either :lol:

Maybe lir will actually be relevant on forums now
Chill man, don't ruin their accomplishment


Re: Emperrors down Gelebron on server Lir

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 7:57 pm
by Loco cola
Good job guys! Only took you 3years! Lmfao my clan did it faster and we had way less people. We weren't even dom clan either :lol:

Maybe lir will actually be relevant on forums now
Chill man, don't ruin their accomplishment

Not trying to ruin anything, actually just made a toon there in castle to give them tips on eg lol

Then again I got blown off because they're doing "so good"

EDIT: I see why lir is doing so unfathomable. Your people are rude as hell, and refuse to speak to anybody outside the clan.

Re: Emperrors down Gelebron on server Lir

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 8:44 pm
by Ghost Shot
25 min kill with 36 op player xD..
Pics or it didn't happened.-.
I doubt lirs could kill gele :lol:

Re: Emperrors down Gelebron on server Lir

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 8:57 pm
by Elfylolz
25 min kill with 36 op player xD..
Pics or it didn't happened.-.
I doubt lirs could kill gele :lol:
They did but heard they needed a lot more than 40 peeps and some out of clan and that alzaem made 5 ppl roll for dg drop so hed be first to get full :lol:

Re: Emperrors down Gelebron on server Lir

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 10:28 pm
by ooGODoo

Re: Emperrors down Gelebron on server Lir

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 11:48 pm
by Toon Link
Good job guys! Only took you 3years! Lmfao my clan did it faster and we had way less people. We weren't even dom clan either :lol:

Maybe lir will actually be relevant on forums now
its funny cause ur a troll with no eg player so dont talk all high and mighty. u say "my clan" like ur actually relevant to the server lmao

Re: Emperrors down Gelebron on server Lir

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 12:57 am
by Loco cola
Good job guys! Only took you 3years! Lmfao my clan did it faster and we had way less people. We weren't even dom clan either :lol:

Maybe lir will actually be relevant on forums now
its funny cause ur a troll with no eg player so dont talk all high and mighty. u say "my clan" like ur actually relevant to the server lmao
Huh? No eg player..?

I have friends who have seen my 3 eg toons lmao.

Edit: I don't want to be relevant to lir. Ffs it took you guys 3 years to down gele and you required out of clan help @.@

Re: Emperrors down Gelebron on server Lir

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 1:48 am
by Yugowolf
25 min kill with 36 op player xD..
Pics or it didn't happened.-.
I doubt lirs could kill gele :lol:
They did but heard they needed a lot more than 40 peeps and some out of clan and that alzaem made 5 ppl roll for dg drop so hed be first to get full :lol:
btw we dnt need outside clan to do gele, other clan just watching we killed if, at first they said we couldnt kill but we still acomplish our goals.
ps:Alzaem is our chief so we got no problem if he done dg armor first ..